Hi Mainjet,
Just picked my truck up last week and have gone through the entire thread on adding Adaptive Cruise Control. Being a Limited you likely already have it. I know what ABS/HCU and Switch I need, and also need to be able to connect AlphaODB to enable it. I was about to pull the trigger on AplhaODB, MX+, Kaodtech Security Module Bypass if for nothing else to have a back up to be able to download if needed post warrantee time. However, I was having concerns about being able to connect to a MY23. Emailed Alex and he's responded but it wasn't clear if it would or wouldn't connect without a lot of back and forth. Your's is the first post I've seen on the MY23 subject. Glad to see you finally were able to connect. Seems you've paved the way for the rest of us 23ers. Thanks for the follow up in providing closure.
My plan was to use an automotive windows laptop which I also have autoenginuity installed on.
1) What computer/tablet/phone are you using?
2) I've never connected to bypass the Security Gateway. How difficult is it get to and are there any tips/tricks that need to be done ?
3) From looking at the Kaodtech Security Module Bypass, it would appear that they plug into the SGW somewhere, one end into the ODB and the other into the MX+. Is this correct?
Any other suggestions?