I’m going to try and put the HK factory sub in the 6 speaker non-amp system. Using a Kicker Cx800.1 (roughly 250w at 5 ohm) and will be a good amp if I switch the sub out for something different.
I’m going to use one the the ANC bypass harness to grab the High-level... An I’ll be using the high level in on the amp. Getting switched is easy enough, you can grab from the ANC if wished.
I’m going to remove the ANC and mount the amp in it’s place. Run 4 AWG to the amp itself.
This will allow me to upgrade in the future for a different sub. I would have just made a box, but I no longer have a table saw (sad face)
couple things....1. With AlfaOBD you can turn off the speaker circuit protection (if it sees a short, or open) this may bypass some issues folks are having hooking up. Just a thought.
The HK sub is a crazy looking passive radiator/inverted sub! Yes, it may be the best for the box! Yes, it might be limited space! But, what I’ve learned in my 20 years of this stuff.... Factory amps can suck! Tho some a great!
My thoughts are (hopfully) that I’ll be able to tune the box a bit more, play with x over points a little bit, no gain some control over it for decent sound.
I’m board! I don’t want to spend 1000 on a sub box! 147 was low enough to experiment. I’ve also found the a Pioneer shallow mount will fit in the factory sub box, with little modifications to the box, as well a 1.25 speaker ring to set it up a bit (from calculations) BUT the inside of the stock sub box will have to be cut out a bit (has these plastic tab lines all over. They will need to go to fit any other sub. Also, Polly fill! A cheat way to make a sub feel like it’s in a bigger box.
going to call around today and find some power wire, ANC harness (I hope our local shop carries it) Some dyno-Matt for behind the sub, or tar paper.. And go get the amp.
Unless someone else has a suggestion for sub amp?
Also, Like mentioned use the high level in... I’ll start with this! If I need more ability to tune, I can always toss in a sub DSP....... If needed. To which being that factory sub... I might!
Suggestions on sub DSP. Thinking maybe epicenter from Audio Control... But I know many others are out! I don’t think I need a crazy 6 ch DSP. I don’t want to touch the interior speakers yet.