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Remote Mount Oil Filter

You don't put new oil in, or change oil filters lol?
Fumoto saves me a ratchet, not a ton of time 5 minutes at most.
On that part, I was just saying how easy it is to drain. I can reach under, not having to crawl under, without any tools. And absolutely no mess. Before I installed the valve on this truck, every vehicle I have done oil changes on, for more than 50 years now, there was always a mess. I don't care if there was no breeze at all, for the previous month, as soon as I pulled the plug, the gale force winds started, blowing the draining oil, all over the place. Even in a garage it seemed. LOL. Of course I still have to do the filter, but it's way easier, with the remote filter kit, that allows a larger filter.
We used to have some dirt roads, and the county oiled the roads periodically to keep dust down anyway. Just had to make sure no one was coming for a few minutes.
As a Kid, we did the same thing. We lived on a dirt street, in the suburbs. We had city water, so didn't have to worry about ground water. Where I live now, I have a well, and don't want to do that.
Got mine installed yesterday along with an oil change using the 899 filter.
It was such a pain getting the fittings clocked correctly and then getting all the fittings tight enough with such little space there. Have to get crafty with the wrenches.
FINALLY got my PacBrake remote filter kit. It took exactly a month to get it! Any way, I installed it last night but I have one hose fitting I can’t figure out how to get to so I can tighten it. It’s the one on the side of the filter adapter that is attached to the engine. I have all of the 90’s tightened down, and all but this one hose fitting tightened. What’s the magic combination of wrenches that will allow me to tighten this fitting???

Thanks in advance for your help!
FINALLY got my PacBrake remote filter kit. It took exactly a month to get it! Any way, I installed it last night but I have one hose fitting I can’t figure out how to get to so I can tighten it. It’s the one on the side of the filter adapter that is attached to the engine. I have all of the 90’s tightened down, and all but this one hose fitting tightened. What’s the magic combination of wrenches that will allow me to tighten this fitting???

Thanks in advance for your help!
I used crow's foot wrenches for everything. Purchased from AutoZone.
FINALLY got my PacBrake remote filter kit. It took exactly a month to get it! Any way, I installed it last night but I have one hose fitting I can’t figure out how to get to so I can tighten it. It’s the one on the side of the filter adapter that is attached to the engine. I have all of the 90’s tightened down, and all but this one hose fitting tightened. What’s the magic combination of wrenches that will allow me to tighten this fitting???

Thanks in advance for your help!
Thankfully, I had watched the YouTube video @Waterfowler41 did and he suggested completing that line before putting the adapter puck in place..to avoid all the difficulty you're having..and that worked out well.👍
Thankfully, I had watched the YouTube video @Waterfowler41 did and he suggested completing that line before putting the adapter puck in place..to avoid all the difficulty you're having..and that worked out well.👍
That’s a great idea as well! I am having a hard time finding an angled head wrench that large nearby. This solution may take a little longer because I will need to disassemble everything, but it would save me money and time. Thanks for the suggestion!

Thank you to everyone for your help. I am sure one of the solutions you guys posted will get the job done. I appreciate everyone’s help!
I also torqued that fitting before installing the puck. I used a nice set of crows foot wrenches to get the system installed as well.
Any notice in oil pressure decrease with the kit you installed? I have been reading the Pacbrake drops pressure a little bit, nothing significant overall.
I never noticed any drop. I think mine runs 41 PSI hot, while cruising. I switch to that screen only every so often.

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