Are you okay with state governments (or god forbid if this goes to a federal level) forcing this on the people then?
C'mon, I never said internal combustion engines would disappear. Please don't put words into my mouth.

Allow me to clarify my point...If I decide to buy a new car or truck in seven years, my only choice will be an EV or hydrogen powered one. If I chose to buy out of state that's fine, but it's been said I wouldn't be able to register it in my state if it's not electric. Sure, I'll be able to buy something used. But at this point in my life I prefer to buy new.
I'm not against electric vehicles. And I'd consider one if it would work for my use. I'm just not ready to switch yet and would like to be able to make that choice when it's right for me.
Stop being ridiculous. Who mentioned anyone being armed?
They will in fact be forced on anyone who wants to buy a new vehicle after the effective date of this law.