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uConnect 12.1" & 8.4" - Intermittent Pauses in Audio for All Sources

Hey guys sorry for the delay, quick update for you. FCA just released a new radio which is getting installed in my truck next week. Once I get more info/details I’ll pass it on but they said it was in fact the radio itself and the new updated version addresses the issues we were all having and is a permanent fix. More info when I get it.
Good news for the 8.4 owners! Wonder how that intertwines with the 12.1 owners since the problem is the same across all systems. Would that mean that everyone, regardless of system, gets a new radio?
3rd day in a row I have to drive in complete SILENCE. 35 degrees and wet conditions. Seems like it happens frequently in those conditions. Not sure how much more of this I can take. This is complete ********.

1997pgt it sounds like your getting a whole new radio? Please update us as soon as possible all the information so I can give it to my dealer. Thank you in advance.
Dropped my ram 9ff today to have some recall work done, and something with the air damn or louvres causing vibration on highway. I asked them to look into an updated radio or TSB from FCA while they do the other stuff. I'll see what the official word is from them by Friday
My dealer replaced my radio just last Thursday. They didn't say if it was a "new" version or not. Same problem came back 2 days later. It's obviously a software issue.
My dealer replaced my radio just last Thursday. They didn't say if it was a "new" version or not. Same problem came back 2 days later. It's obviously a software issue.

It’s hardware related, what they told me was it’s a new redesign that FCA has tested in house on trucks affected and it’s fixed all issues, I didn’t get a chance to ask them specifics like what’s new, will everyone be getting new radios etc as I was at work when they called. The new radio getting installed next week on my truck is the “first” customer install according to my dealer, so sounds like you just got another “regular” (for lack of a better word) radio not the new one. They didn’t give me any part numbers or anything but I asked my buddy who’s the sales manager to try and get me info on it. I’ll keep everyone posted.
Having the same issue this morning on my 12". Only had the truck for a month and just over 2000kms, audio cuts in and out and blue back up screen. Taking in to the dealer on lunch. He's already telling me over the phone its just a software update...
Nothing on my end either. Every time I have the issue I just disconnect and reconnect the negative terminal on the battery. It performs a “soft reset”, only resetting a few things (equalizer, time format, HVAC controls/settings go back to default). Yes it gets tiresome, especially in the frigid cold we’ve been having. Thanks FCA!
I have also had the audio cutting in and out every 2 seconds. I have had this issue twice in the last week. First time I have noticed it in 7 months of having the truck, 1 of the times the back up camera screen (8.4") went completely blue while backing
No luck. Just got back from the dealer, and they stated I was already on the latest software (18.20.2e). I gave them the TSB that I posted above, and they said that my truck accepts updates over the air (OTA), not through USB. This was hard for me to believe, but they stated they connected a tool to see if an update was applicable and it was not.

They're in the midst of ordering a replacement radio for me, which I know may not be the answer. I know for a fact that the JL Wrangler guys who are experiencing the same issue had their radios replaced, only to encounter the issue again.

My truck updates through the air as well. I have been in it once while it did it. Truck was about 4 weeks old at the time, last August.
No updates? Did anyone get this new model installed yet?

I don't know if it's a new model or just a new radio, but I had my 12" screen replacement installed on Friday. Took about an hour at the dealership. So far it is much better, no glitches. Seems like my screen was always doing something different upon starting or getting into the vehicle. Voice commands and nav screwy as well. Now, everything works as it should, no issues, but it's only been a couple days so we will see.
I don't know if it's a new model or just a new radio, but I had my 12" screen replacement installed on Friday. Took about an hour at the dealership. So far it is much better, no glitches. Seems like my screen was always doing something different upon starting or getting into the vehicle. Voice commands and nav screwy as well. Now, everything works as it should, no issues, but it's only been a couple days so we will see.

Screen replacement or radio replacement? I believe the radio is a separate unit/module, where the screen acts like a controller.
Screen replacement or radio replacement? I believe the radio is a separate unit/module, where the screen acts like a controller.

Screen replacement. And yes , tech said it basically controls everything.
@1997pgt any word on that new radio install?

Sorry for the absence, my wife went into labor 2 weeks early so everything was pushed onto the back burner. The dealer did get the new radio in a week or so ago, I just have to find a day to drop it off to them. Once they replace it I'll update you guys with the part numbers/software information and other details from the service paperwork.
I have a radio on order as well for my truck. I was in to the dealer a couple of weeks ago and they ordered it. Called Ram case manager several times this week and no one there can give me a part number and verify I am getting a new version of the radio. They told me to contact dealer. When I had the truck in at the dealer, they had no clue on if there is a new version or not. Going to try to call dealer again tomorrow to verify part number and if I am getting new version. All I know is that there is a backorder on radios, so maybe I am getting new version? So far my case manager just tells me info that I could have received from dealer. I am starting to wonder why I even have a case manager if they can't provide any more info than the dealer can? Very frustrated right now.
New screen installed last week. Didn't fix it. Audio cutting out again this week, same issues. It's going back to the dealership Thursday.

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