Haha, what did I do to my RAM today…let’s see…
please excuse the rant, as all it seems i have been doing lately to it is drive it back and forth from service.
Dealer called this morning, said truck is done. 4WD system is good to go. Roger that. Go to pick up. Service write up says all is repaired, codes cleared, no more issues. Jump in, start it up, put into 4WD Auto and I still get the blinking indicator light. Get to the back of the dealership, light still blinking, and now service light pops up. I turn it around and go back to service. Go back inside to see my advisor, she comes out, jumps in and takes it to the service area in back. She drives back up about 5 minutes later and says this first…
“What does the manual say, because the shop supervisor who worked on it says it’s all good, and you might be switching it wrong”, followed by, “…we pulled into the dirt patch behind the shop and it switched fine, so don’t switch it on pavement…”
OMG she did just say that…

. I have switched into 4WD Auto doing 55mph+ without any issues. No where in the manual does it say that that’s bad to do, no where does it say you need to be on dirt to be in 4WD Auto.
And which, BTW, the manual states “if the transfer case does not shift into the desired selection, one of the following may occur-2) the selected shift position indicator light will continue to blink-service may be required”
Every time prior to now, it has engaged and stopped flashing when it did.
So, service advisor leaves truck to me, and I proceeded to video it with my phone. I started it when I left service, and only got around to the back of the dealership. The end of the video is when I turned around…again…and went back to show them the video and the manual. Left it there and asked for my free Lyft ride home. Told them to please call me when you got it figured out. Funny, just commented to my bro about how good service has been recently…may have spoke too soon.
I deleted the audio because there was quite a bit of profanity in that short period, and then went all demon potty mouth at the end, lol