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Update: DO NOT BUY RAM WITH RAMBOX - Warping and Alignment Issue with 2019 Rams

I’ve had a 2009 1st year Crewcab Rambox 1500 Hemi
Put 442,150 on this truck using for work

2015 Ecodiesel Longhorn put 48,000 no problems with Ramboxes

2019 - 2500 Megacab Rambox 4wd , Cummins, 1800 miles nothing yet

2020 Lonestar 1500 Crewcab Rambox
1800 miles( replacing 2009)
No problem yet
Only your 2020 Lonestar (Gen-5) is potentially in the problem group. All of your other trucks (including the 2019 2500) are the Gen-4 Ram Box design.
Congrats on the 442k miles on your 2009 truck! How did you maintain it, and what problems did you encounter in that 442k miles?
I will admit I have not read all of the replies to this post (TLDR) but when I saw a RamBox in a parking lot with rust coming down from the keyhole, I thought, I will never opt for that feature. It looked horrible...rust ran all the way down to the wheel well.
My 2011 Ram had Ramboxes and I never had rust come from the locks. Of course, I washed my vehicle from time to time! LOL
I noticed the rambox on the announced Built to Serve edition has the same slight rear warping that mine has. I'd say no fix in sight if their own marketing photos show misalignment:


It's sad to see but if mine looked like that one in the summer heat I'd be perfectly ok with that. Right now mine looks like that, but in the summer heat it sits about 3/8-1/2" higher on the ends.
I come to acept the rambox for if faults.. I had the first gen ram boxes back in 2010/11. That did not warp. But the plastics turned white and grainy... now the new one warps but the plastics top cover remains black.. Dealer has a accepted warrenty claim with ram. and when a fix or better solution happens i will just deal with it for now.. if someone totaled my truck and I got a check for 65k.. should i get a ram box again..yes. I use it daily
Has anyone tried bolting a length of 1in angle iron across the length of the lid. My 2019 shows no warping yet but would like to stop it before it starts
Has anyone tried bolting a length of 1in angle iron across the length of the lid. My 2019 shows no warping yet but would like to stop it before it starts

I was just having this exact thought. I have to go out and take a look at the underside of the lid but if you could straighten the lid first and then attach a steel bar across the entire length of the underside using some liquid metal, it might give the needed rigidity.
I'm emphatically, totally perplexed with what ever it is that RAM, or Jeep for that matter, continues to not do in their manufacturing of these vehicles ! For an accessory of this caliber - best idea RAM has had in 20 years ( I feel) - why they chose to cut corners - save a few Cents on the Dollar? - pissed me off, to be kind !
For a truck that keeps racking up all these (B.S. Magazine) awards, I can't imagine HOW that could possibly be ! :rolleyes:
I'm a RAM Fan Boy, but there is a limit . . . loyalties Do have there Consequences ! I'm seriously considering just keeping my (knock on wood) "no issues" 2016 Grand Cherokee, ugh . . . did I just say that AGAIN ? See how frustrating this can be ? I "feel" everyones pain and anger and frustration . . . :confused: . RAM CARES ! You have that ! ?
I wanted the Rambox and actually had the chance to get a 2019 with them but ended up passing (they were already warping, brand new in the dealer lot). It's really a shame that one of the most unique features of the truck has such a negative attached to it (other than losing a bit of truck bed space obviously).
I'm emphatically, totally perplexed with what ever it is that RAM, or Jeep for that matter, continues to not do in their manufacturing of these vehicles ! For an accessory of this caliber - best idea RAM has had in 20 years ( I feel) - why they chose to cut corners - save a few Cents on the Dollar? - pissed me off, to be kind !
For a truck that keeps racking up all these (B.S. Magazine) awards, I can't imagine HOW that could possibly be ! :rolleyes:
I'm a RAM Fan Boy, but there is a limit . . . loyalties Do have there Consequences ! I'm seriously considering just keeping my (knock on wood) "no issues" 2016 Grand Cherokee, ugh . . . did I just say that AGAIN ? See how frustrating this can be ? I "feel" everyones pain and anger and frustration . . . :confused: . RAM CARES ! You have that ! ?
I understand the frustration. I can only guess they ordered the boxes as manufactured in such quantity that they need to burn through all of those before they can make a slight adjustment like a metal stabilizing insert or something. Otherwise you would think changing the manufacturing process would be cheaper than all the warranty claims. Maybe the percentage of people complaining is so small it is more cost effective to turn a blind eye. It sort of reminds me of the investigation going on with the Jeep Wrangler weld issues. I mean they had to be fielding complaints for years on the welds being inconsistent without changing their QA process. Cheaper to just stay the course and deal with the complaints when and if they happened.
I was just having this exact thought. I have to go out and take a look at the underside of the lid but if you could straighten the lid first and then attach a steel bar across the entire length of the underside using some liquid metal, it might give the needed rigidity.
Take a piece of aluminum angle or channel is probably better, guessing 2"X 2" for starters and a couple of visegrip's or wood clamps and see if you can pull the lid level. If so, try using the angle with two part body panel adhesive to see if that will hold. Most anything available at the hardware won't hold under stress for any period of time. If the adhesive fails then you will need mechanical fastners to hold the angle.
Use heavy wall angle and possibly steel if aluminum flexes to much.
I wrote to the head of FCA Engineering a couple weeks ago on LinkedIn and he actually responded to me. Unfortunately he had just retired so he forwarded on my comments to another department. Got a call this week from Steve Stander an Executive Referral Manager at FCA. From some other Jeep forums it looks like he has gotten involved in other scenarios like this. I provided my situation and also have given him a link to this forum discussion as I advised this isn’t an isolated problem. I will provide an update next week after I get more information from him.

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I come to acept the rambox for if faults.. I had the first gen ram boxes back in 2010/11. That did not warp. But the plastics turned white and grainy... now the new one warps but the plastics top cover remains black.. Dealer has a accepted warrenty claim with ram. and when a fix or better solution happens i will just deal with it for now.. if someone totaled my truck and I got a check for 65k.. should i get a ram box again..yes. I use it daily
So I swung by the dealer to follow up.. he let me know I had new rambox tops arriving wednesday, exact same part number as stock, so we assumed it the same as oem, maybe they will do better this time.. but I do live in florida and they bowed with only 2.5k miles. At least I will get my truck washedmand a tire shine..
So I swung by the dealer to follow up.. he let me know I had new rambox tops arriving wednesday, exact same part number as stock, so we assumed it the same as oem, maybe they will do better this time.. but I do live in florida and they bowed with only 2.5k miles. At least I will get my truck washedmand a tire shine..
Where in Florida?
There have been many reports of replaced lids (sometimes more than once on same truck).

I don't know why some of you guys keep pushing the "deny claim" prognostication.
I understand the frustration. I can only guess they ordered the boxes as manufactured in such quantity that they need to burn through all of those before they can make a slight adjustment like a metal stabilizing insert or something. Otherwise you would think changing the manufacturing process would be cheaper than all the warranty claims.
Manufacturers have been using JIT (just in time) inventory management for quite a few years now. Meaning, they run very short lead times so parts arrive shortly before they are needed. It drastically reduces operating costs. That being said, it makes zero sense why you keep making and using a part that obviously has issues instead of making a relatively low cost mod to the lids.
So I swung by the dealer to follow up.. he let me know I had new rambox tops arriving wednesday, exact same part number as stock, so we assumed it the same as oem, maybe they will do better this time.. but I do live in florida and they bowed with only 2.5k miles. At least I will get my truck washedmand a tire shine..
I'm so happy you didn't say or imply that those last 2- items done . . . were "free," for we all know or should, that there are only 2 things we humans get during the course of our "existence" - Birth (not a minute after either) and Death (not minute before) . . . everything else we get to experience will some where, somehow cost us some thing !
This is not up for "debate" - I do not wish to give the thread unintentional consequences . . . :whistle:, just a little side thought. Now where are those sh*** RamBoxes I ordered ?
Take a piece of aluminum angle or channel is probably better, guessing 2"X 2" for starters and a couple of visegrip's or wood clamps and see if you can pull the lid level. If so, try using the angle with two part body panel adhesive to see if that will hold. Most anything available at the hardware won't hold under stress for any period of time. If the adhesive fails then you will need mechanical fastners to hold the angle.
Use heavy wall angle and possibly steel if aluminum flexes to much.
Here we go Ram Cares, your Loyal Followers so desperate . . . it's "amateur hour" at the "fix it yourself" garages of America ! ! ! RAM-Rodder's . . . you "happy now"? Save a few bucks did ya? If I had the power to sent you back, without hesitation you would be gone. One can only now imagine, in a couple years, what affect La French will have on "La quality assurance" ! ? . Why not just include every Country and call what WAS OUR BRAND . . . EURORAM, EUROJEEP, EURODODGE . . . won't be a EuroChrysler . . . its last 2 vehicles will become EURODODGE'S .

Look at me I'm on Ranting-Roll . . . :rolleyes: :unsure: . . . perhaps to much :coffee::coffee::coffee: today ? :D

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