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Transmission falling out of Drive on downshift, blinking, displaying "shift to P" and back

It seems there are some ecu updates and TSBs out there. Maybe we should pin them?
Please do. I have 63k on my 19 4x2 non etorque. On my next service I want to bring it to their attention so hopefully I have some things to tell em
Please do. I have 63k on my 19 4x2 non etorque. On my next service I want to bring it to their attention so hopefully I have some things to tell em
I don’t have them. Hopefully someone can help. I’m sure they’re in this thread somewhere too
Hey everyone,

We just wanted to bring to everyone's attention that there are two TSBs out: 08-093-22 for 2022 models and 18-091-22 is for 2021 models.
We would also like to look into this for our 2019 owners, so if you own a 2019 and are experiencing this issue, please send us a direct message!

Ram Cares

I am owner of RAM 1500, 2019, Laramie with same fault. It started around 72Kmiles, ones per month, now i have 85k miles and it happened three times a day. I feel like a gearbox dont change the gear 3/ or 2/1 down on time and then the gear jump off.
Always when is the gearbox cold. It started after battery exchange. What i see is bit higher fuel consumption and Cylider on demand 8/4 istn so offten like before.
Thanks for letting us know. If you do decide to take it to a dealer, we can assist with part expedition, technical assistance, and sometimes goodwill/cost assistance. We can always be reached via direct messaging.

Ram Cares
i live in Europe can i come to dealer in Prag? will be checking for free when the problem have averybody ?
Well I had the same issue, but I havnt had it happened to me in over a year. What I did was I upgraded my tb to the 87mm one from Moe's, I also had the tbs done and I had my pulsar set to performance 93 octane mode. Soo one of those fix it just not sure which ☠️
I feel like there is something to this, but I'm not a software guy, and I have no idea how to prove the theory. Maybe someone on here can find the line of code that causes it?

Also my 2019 has not done the drop in about a year, this is after cleaning the throttle body and installing an OCC. I was about ready to dump the truck before that.
Hey @15clove ,

We'd love to get you some help with this! Can you please DM us?

Ram Cares
Have this same issue with my 2019, been to dealer 3times without resolution, last time they did nothing and sent me away. Happens 1-2 times a week when slowing down a yield signs / turning across traffic. A solution would be great. IMG_7471.jpeg
Have this same issue with my 2019, been to dealer 3times without resolution, last time they did nothing and sent me away. Happens 1-2 times a week when slowing down a yield signs / turning across traffic. A solution would be great. View attachment 178198
Try cleaning the throttle body thoroughly. It works for some of us. Mine hasn't dropped into neutral in about a 1.5 years since I cleaned the throttle body.
Thank I have another round of service scheduled end of the month if no resolution I will try the throttle body. My 05 ram would also had a similar issue when at low speed engine would stall without warning lights and fall into neutral. The fix for that was map sensor and throttle body cleaning every 6months. Thought I got away from that with newer vehicle. Oh well haha if I get any positive news from dealer I will share
Thank I have another round of service scheduled end of the month if no resolution I will try the throttle body. My 05 ram would also had a similar issue when at low speed engine would stall without warning lights and fall into neutral. The fix for that was map sensor and throttle body cleaning every 6months. Thought I got away from that with newer vehicle. Oh well haha if I get any positive news from dealer I will share
Interesting that you've had the same issue on two different vehicles, the odds of that happening are pretty high . Perhaps a driving style is involved?
I also have a 2019 RAM 1500 Lonestar that has started doing this exact same thing the last few months.
Interesting that you've had the same issue on two different vehicles, the odds of that happening are pretty high . Perhaps a driving style is involved?
Maybe fuel from a certain station
Ciao ragazzi vi scrivo dall'ITALIA ed il mio fantastico RAM 2019 hemi limited aveva lo stesso problema (andata in folle in frenata) e l'ho risolto brillantemente seguendo il consiglio della pulizia del corpo farfallato. Consiglio di insistere nello spruzzare il liquido anche se il motore si affoga e si spegne durante la procedura (va fatto con il motore in moto altrimenti non serve a niente). Una persona sarà al volante e controllerà l'acceleratore cercando di mantenere il motore sui 1500/1800 giri mentre un'altra persona spruzzerà il liquido ben all'interno del corpo farfallato.Come dicevo, se il motore si affoga e si spegne,niente paura ,riavvivare e continuare a spruzzare in modo che si puliscano bene anche gli iniettori. Presumo che chi ha provato ma non ha avuto risultati si sia fermato troppo presto
Ciao Gian!

Some of us can read Italian(or just hold down to translate! )

Really cool you fixed yours the same way, cleaning throttle body officially is working world wide to stop the shift to neutral!

keep us posted!
We are all wiping out and exercising the throttle body to fix this issue. It started as a hunch but it is now confirmed working by many and even had a member from Italy confirm his 2019 Limited was fixed as well. 10 minutes, worth a shot!

The idea is there is a little residual in the closed position causing some breakaway stiction in this position such that air flow is erratic and exceeds upper and lower threshold. You can feel it when you move by hand through over travel. I cleaned my 2019 which had the issue once a week, it has been 10K (Santa Cruz CA sea level) miles with no recurrence.
Why not take the throttle body off and clean it well? Shouldn’t be too tough to do, unless you’re stuck somewhere
Ciao Gian!

Alcuni di noi sanno leggere l'italiano (o semplicemente tengono premuto per tradurre!)

Davvero fantastico, hai riparato il tuo allo stesso modo, la pulizia del corpo farfallato funziona ufficialmente in tutto il mondo per fermare il passaggio alla folle!

Tienici aggiornati!
Grazie del benvenuto e mi presento e vi parlerò del mio magico RAM: ho 58 anni e percorro 60.000 km all'anno da circa 35 anni per il lavoro che svolgo ed ho posseduto diversi v8 tedeschi sia benzina che diesel curandone personalmente la manutenzione meno impegnativa ottenendo ottime percorrenze anche sino a 500.000 km. Prendere il RAM significa più di quello che sembra realmente perché da bambino in Italia, avevo 10 o 11 anni, rimasi folgorato da un RAMCHARGER 360 di un soldato NATO che partì al semaforo come se non pesasse e con quel suono magnifico. Ci ho messo anni a capire cosa diavolo fosse quella macchina perché non se ne vedevano in un mondo come quello italiano pieno di piccole e medie cilindrate. Successivamente la passione per la meccanica sviluppata prima sulle moto (tutte kawasaki a 2 e 4 tempi) e poi sulla fila interminabile di auto che ho posseduto mi ha fatto arrivare all'hemi concettualmente molto più vecchio rispetto a Merc/Bmw/Audi che ho avuto ma con un carattere fantastico ed un suono meraviglioso già da stock.
Il 22 gennaio 2024, il giorno prima di acquistare uno dei Laramie che avevo visto e provato sin da novembre è arrivato l'annuncio di questo stupendo Limited 2019 con 121.000 km ed unico proprietario, 3.92 (tutta la vita ),rear axle lock, con tetto panoramico, H/K da 900 w, cerchio 22 e display da 12. Dopo averlo provato ed alzato sul ponte per verificare eventuale ruggine o urti vari e visto che era tutto a posto l'ho acquistato immediatamente poichè il Limited è praticamente introvabile . Dopo qualche centinaio di chilometri ha cominciato con il famoso difetto,motivo per il quale probabilmente il primo proprietario l'ha venduto: fortuna vuole che ho avuto lo stesso difetto con un ML 500 della mercedes che dopo aver smontato il cambio due volte senza risultato, ci fece concentrare con il mio meccanico di fiducia sull'alimentazione ,nodo fondamentale e poco considerato per il corretto funzionamento di un cambio automatico.Trovammo molti residui carboniosi nella valvola e ripulito il tutto ,il problema sparì perchè il regime del minimo scese a 500 rpm contro i 600 di prima.Avuta questa esperienza ho provato immediatamente la cura sull'ariete col risultato anche in questo caso di un abbassamento a poco più di 500 rpm del regime motore e sparizione totale degli sfollamenti ciao


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