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Start of 2023 Production

Finally, have you considered that Ministry of Truth powers that be are not fond of your screenname and therefore are censoring your truck to mess with you? Perhaps we'll one day see a previously hidden video that mysteriously emerges and shows your truck casually roaming the halls of the capital and being happily escorted around by capital police? Maybe that's why your truck as been 'held' so long without explanation?
Finally, have you considered that Ministry of Truth powers that be are not fond of your screenname and therefore are censoring your truck to mess with you? :ROFLMAO: Perhaps we'll one day see a previously hidden video that mysteriously emerges and shows your truck casually roaming the halls of the capital and being happily escorted around by capital police? Maybe that's why your truck as been 'held' so long without explanation?
Out of an abundance of caution, I changed it to LGB24. Now if they delay my truck, they're just homophobic.
My truck is finally here. Dealer sent the finsl paperwork. No rebates on my Limited here in KY. surprisingly he is charging sales tax on 699 docs fee. Is that normal?
FWIW - Mine also has a Stock #. And we all know mine has turned into scrap metal or something.
Stock numbers aren't usually assigned until the vehicle is unloaded from the truck.
Got this from the dealer. Hasn’t shipped. Any idea what the 3/9/23 release date is?

You cut it off, but it is strange that it says release today with outgate being last month.
I was doing it in my phone and I was hard to read in full size. The rest didn’t say anything other than status is KZ. No other dates or times.
The third square says ingate/rebay on 2/21. To me it looks like it left on 1/25 but was shipped back to the plant on 2/21.
I figured GFX SHAP was the body vendor and then it went back to the factory to be shipped. The dealer said it went to JB status around 1/25, and the tracker updated it to built on 2/10, which would match the GFX SHAP 2/10 outgate day
I figured GFX SHAP was the body vendor and then it went back to the factory to be shipped. The dealer said it went to JB status around 1/25, and the tracker updated it to built on 2/10, which would match the GFX SHAP 2/10 outgate day
It shows ingate again on 2/21 as last event. That's still almost 3 weeks ago. They generally ship out relatively fast. The one I had ordered went from built, to first yard, within hours.
It shows ingate again on 2/21 as last event. That's still almost 3 weeks ago. They generally ship out relatively fast. The one I had ordered went from built, to first yard, within hours.
Hopefully it's at least good news that it's now been "released"...whatever that means. Others have had the same thing happen to them where it took a month to ship (@bronco44 and @StickVA come to mind). Maybe they just really wanted to make sure our trucks were perfect 🤣
Well that doesn't make me feel good.
The stock number doesn't mean it's for sale on the lot, it's just to identify the vehicle without having to read the little VIN tag. The mechanics or porters can go out to quickly find by a four or five digit number.
Found 1136 Window Stickers tonight. 1 more forum member with a truck on the way! Congratulations to @Derrick-23

551315 @Derrick-23XX
585256 @IcewraithUSAFRAME
WYIvory WhiteLonghorn
Happiest I’ve been reading a forum post! Thanks again tripple_B.

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