@LetsGoBrandon24 - a few things to consider regarding your deposit refund.
1. Like you, my 1st order was back in Aug/Sept - I was able to get my deposit back because they didn't deliver me the truck when decided to walk away back in Jan. I thought I would have to threaten with a negative review but they said no problem and refunded without issue. They kept my order going and that truck eventually came in near the end of Feb but by then...
2. I'd already placed a 2nd order with a new dealer in Jan. That order has already been built and in shipment now. When I placed that 2nd order the new dealer also said the deposit was refundable if they couldn't delivery the truck by time I wanted it.
3. Don't overlook the power of social media: if you want that deposit back, threaten a negative review on multiple sites and maybe even a youtube vid about your issues (I'll get it would get a lot of views). That should get your deposit back because, let's face it, you do NOT have a truck yet!
Finally, have you considered that Ministry of Truth powers that be are not fond of your screenname and therefore are censoring your truck to mess with you?

Perhaps we'll one day see a previously hidden video that mysteriously emerges and shows your truck casually roaming the halls of the capital and being happily escorted around by capital police? Maybe that's why your truck as been 'held' so long without explanation?
But in all seriousness, I'm sorry this has happened to you and we're praying that your truck will be delivered and all the negatives will be forgotten because you'll be so happy with your awesome new ride. Hang in there, my friend.