Nice - what dealer?2019 Rebel Crew Cab 4x4
MSRP $64,485
Invoice $60,149
Holdback $1,884
FFP $59,623
EP $57,342
Sell Price $52,999
OTD $56,000 including TTL&Doc Fees
Discount off MSRP $11,486
Northern Virginia
Nice - what dealer?2019 Rebel Crew Cab 4x4
MSRP $64,485
Invoice $60,149
Holdback $1,884
FFP $59,623
EP $57,342
Sell Price $52,999
OTD $56,000 including TTL&Doc Fees
Discount off MSRP $11,486
Northern Virginia
I got a 68k truck for 53k+ttl With 0% 36months. Didn't take the 72 cause it killed the rebates. OTD came out to 58k I paid 4k in taxes. I got mine from Tyson motors in Shorewood IL.
With due respect, I shouldn't say and keep it to myself but if one is forgoing the 3k in rebates for a longer pay time. Get something cheaper you'll be underwater with the truck by year three.
Ok North Va please tell me where and who2019 Rebel Crew Cab 4x4
MSRP $64,485
Invoice $60,149
Holdback $1,884
FFP $59,623
EP $57,342
Sell Price $52,999
OTD $56,000 including TTL&Doc Fees
Discount off MSRP $11,486
Northern Virginia
Financed the whole price (truck, fees, taxes, reg) 46K at 1.9% for 60 months. Gap insurance was $90.00. Didn't even try to figure the "underwater".Nice deal! 54k before TTL is solid. I disagree regarding the 0% for 72 months though. If someone is concerned about being underwater (you're not underwater that long) then you can buy GAP insurance from your auto insurance company for a fair price. Even if you paid a few hundred dollars for the GAP insurance you would still come out wayyyy better than if you took the incentives and financed elsewhere and paid ~4% interest. (If you take the $1500 in rebates + 0% for 36 months then more power to you)
heck yea that's the way to do itFinanced the whole price (truck, fees, taxes, reg) 46K at 1.9% for 60 months. Gap insurance was $90.00. Didn't even try to figure the "underwater".
I cancelled my stuck Laramie (31 days and still gathering parts). Upgraded to a Limited.
MSRP 67,400
Invoice 61,581
Negotiated 57,151
Rebates 4,000 (at least)
Final 53,151 + TTF
21% off MSRP
Actually hoping for a March delivery for Ram Truck Month and maybe some better rebates.
I cancelled my stuck Laramie (31 days and still gathering parts). Upgraded to a Limited.
MSRP 67,400
Invoice 61,581
Negotiated 57,151
Rebates 4,000 (at least)
Final 53,151 + TTF
21% off MSRP
Good price. What rebates are you getting and how did you get them locked in? My dealer said I would get what was in at time of delivery.
Yes I have noticed that too.You ever notice that people write these great deals of 20-25% off invoice but never say what dealer or who? or provide any evidence? we all get paperwork, people have been asking for who and what dealer - but little answers. So, I would very much like to see people's deals they claim or where they got them? Is there any harm in doing that?
You ever notice that people write these great deals of 20-25% off invoice but never say what dealer or who? or provide any evidence? we all get paperwork, people have been asking for who and what dealer - but little answers. So, I would very much like to see people's deals they claim or where they got them? Is there any harm in doing that?
I can't speak for everyone, but there's an element of privacy. Telling the internet what you bought, from who, on what date and at what dealership is forever and personally identifies you. I certainly don't want someone taking my contract details into another dealer to use in their negotiations.
That may not be information the dealership or the salesperson want public as well. That may create problems for the next time one wants to buy from the same dealership or salesperson.
Finally, as a buyer, one has no idea what may motivate a dealership on any given day and on any given truck to sell at a certain price. Maybe sales are slow in a given region. Maybe they aren't for that dealer. Maybe the truck someone got a great deal for has been sitting on the lot forever. Maybe there are sales incentives for that model, or that particular truck. Maybe the dealership needs to sell at a loss to offset a profit made elsewhere for tax reasons. Maybe the sales person someone got a deal from is the top producer at a dealership and is given more flexibility to make a deal. Etc etc etc.
None of that makes the information anyone shares any less real or useful in real world negotiations - it allows for anyone to level the playing field in their own buying process.
I When I read that someone gets 10K off MSRP by ordering - that is below EP, I would LOVE to see that ... .