Trades shouldn’t matter.
The volume dealers in Baltimore are definitely aggressive right now - Ourisman, Heritage and Len Stoler. They’re still calling to let me know their incentives are better for trucks on the lot than they were in November.
Trades shouldn't matter? What? Trades certainly do matter when negotiating the price of any vehicle. The dealer is factoring in how much to offer for your trade vs. how much they can make on it. Even if you try to keep the negotiations separate (price of new vehicle separate from value of your trade) it still influences the final numbers of the deal.
Here's an example of what I'm talking about: Let's say the dealer thinks they can make about 5k on a trade. They may give the buyer more "off" on the new vehicle price. The deal gets done and then the buyer comes on this forum and says "hey I got a loaded Laramie, MSRP $62k, for 45k! woot woot!"
issue is that we don't know if they had a trade, and we don't know what extra rebates they may or may not have qualified for (USAA, PenFed, competitive lease, Military, etc., etc.)
So folks who are looking to buy (like me) come here for information and read posts like that. They may come away with unrealistic/unattainable expectations on what they can expect to pay. The waters are already muddy on car buying, we don't need to contribute more mud.
That's why folks on this thread who purchase
without a trade can provide very some valuable information. Most folks here (not all, but most) already have a truck so they're gonna have a trade in, which is fine and I appreciate their posts. It's just
helpful for folks to specify if they had a trade when posting their deal numbers.