Picked her up tonight. Here are the numbers...
MSRP - $65,150
Discount - $9,881
Rebate - $3,500
Mopar accessories - $415
Adjusted Price - $52,184
Trade Allowance - $5,500
Total OTD with TTT.......$48,857
20.53% for a Laramie. I was not allowed to use quite a few rebates including the email coupon from RAM ($1k), Truecar rebate ($500), Affiliate Reward ($600). They used my Penfed discount and said it canceled the others. Will contact Chrysler to see if they were right. Very happy either way and the dealership here in Rockville, Maryland is great to work with. Give Omar, at DARCARS Chrysler of Rockville, a call and he will take care of you.