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Loud Noise on Startup

Mine only makes weird start noises when it's parked on an incline. In either direction. And it sounds more like a heat shield banging around.

I get the clunk maybe 25% of cold starts.
i'd say i'm at 25% regardless of cold/hot start-up...

Hi WhiteKnight4x4 & airgas1998,

If you are experiencing this, we recommend contacting your preferred FCA dealer to have this documented and inspected. We would also like to assist with this process as well. Please send us a private message if you plan to work with your dealer to address this.

Ram Social Care Specialist
It's been well documented here and on other forums, the clunk is only present if you have medium to hard pressure on the brake pedal during the starting sequence. If you remove your foot from the brake the second you press start, you will not hear the single clunk. I for one believe this is not as wide spread an issue as it should be, because everyone has different starting habits.

I respect your opinion, however the clunk is similar to a “bang.” I find metal banging probably isn’t a good thing in my opinion. Also, I have tired the light pedal application with removing foot and it is still present. Regardless it’s is straight up embarrassing. I have turned many heads in my neighborhood, kids school, work, and parking lots. I have never heard a new vehicle make this kind of noise.

Before my truck went into the body shop, I played around a lot with the brake pedal pressure, and could neither get it to clunk more, nor less often, with different brake pedal applications during startup. Also, I've heard the clunk multiple times with remote start, and so have many others, so that also rules out any brake pedal based theories.
The soft touch on the brake pedal gets rid of the noise for me. Truck has 1000 miles. Would still love a proper fix or at least an acknowledgment something is wrong. My 2016 RAM didn’t have this issue. Sometimes makes you rethink brand loyalty when there is a clear issue and we get crickets from FCA.
Before my truck went into the body shop, I played around a lot with the brake pedal pressure, and could neither get it to clunk more, nor less often, with different brake pedal applications during startup. Also, I've heard the clunk multiple times with remote start, and so have many others, so that also rules out any brake pedal based theories.
Mine did it today. First time I noticed it. I was aware of this thread, but never read thru it until this evening. The truck has been sitting 3 days in my office garage. It has a brick floor. It is long enough to get 6 cars sitting side by side in it. The very back where the truck sat has a fairly large depression in it from a burst water pipe before my time with the structure. Puts it at a slight incline toward the rear, maybe 7 or 8 degrees. My previous truck an 09 Silverado sat there from time to time and did the same thing. I'm thinking it is "cavitation." The oil in the transmission moves towards the back lower parts of the pan, draining some from the converter. When you start the truck and the pump has to fill the converter again and the clunk is the result of the fluid pressure equalizing in the converter. Might explain why it doesn't do it on the second start of the day. Light touch on the brake pedal, maybe just enough to dampen the clunk, thru the brakes to axels and up the drive shaft to the transmission. Best I can come up with tonight.

Normally my truck is parked level, no strain on the parking prawl If I'm off level I shift to neutral, set the parking brake, then shift to park. I'll pay closer attention over the next few days to conditions and see if it does it again.

Same thing as when on the stern of larger ocean going ships in rough seas. The stern comes up to high and the props grab too much air, creates air bubbles around the props and they cavitate, vibrates the whole back end until they sink back down and can get a full bite of water like they are designed to operate in.
Hi @thekaiser82 and @jkm312,

Please don't hesitate to send our team a private message if you visit your dealer for this concern. We are happy to provide support.

Ram Social Care Specialist
Mine did it today. First time I noticed it. I was aware of this thread, but never read thru it until this evening. The truck has been sitting 3 days in my office garage. It has a brick floor. It is long enough to get 6 cars sitting side by side in it. The very back where the truck sat has a fairly large depression in it from a burst water pipe before my time with the structure. Puts it at a slight incline toward the rear, maybe 7 or 8 degrees. My previous truck an 09 Silverado sat there from time to time and did the same thing. I'm thinking it is "cavitation." The oil in the transmission moves towards the back lower parts of the pan, draining some from the converter. When you start the truck and the pump has to fill the converter again and the clunk is the result of the fluid pressure equalizing in the converter. Might explain why it doesn't do it on the second start of the day. Light touch on the brake pedal, maybe just enough to dampen the clunk, thru the brakes to axels and up the drive shaft to the transmission. Best I can come up with tonight.

Normally my truck is parked level, no strain on the parking prawl If I'm off level I shift to neutral, set the parking brake, then shift to park. I'll pay closer attention over the next few days to conditions and see if it does it again.

Same thing as when on the stern of larger ocean going ships in rough seas. The stern comes up to high and the props grab too much air, creates air bubbles around the props and they cavitate, vibrates the whole back end until they sink back down and can get a full bite of water like they are designed to operate in.
sorry don't think so...my garage is perfectly level and it still does it. also there isn't a typical parking pawl with our electronic set-up. also my clunk is more noticeable with a warm start rather than cold overnight start.
sorry don't think so...my garage is perfectly level and it still does it. also there isn't a typical parking pawl with our electronic set-up. also my clunk is more noticeable with a warm start rather than cold overnight start.
I didn't really think about not having a traditional pawl with the electronic set-up. I found a couple of informative youtube videos demonstrating how to get the truck into neutral manually. Good to know, learned something new. I'll have to learn a little more before I venture another opinion on this matter.

I was in and out of my truck yesterday several times, no clunk. It just happened the one time as I described above.
I didn't really think about not having a traditional pawl with the electronic set-up. I found a couple of informative youtube videos demonstrating how to get the truck into neutral manually. Good to know, learned something new. I'll have to learn a little more before I venture another opinion on this matter.

I was in and out of my truck yesterday several times, no clunk. It just happened the one time as I described above.
no worries my forum brother....not to concerned "yet" as it's about 1:5 starts it produces the noise...
I'm so glad I found this tread. My truck makes the same noise mostly on cold starts. I figured it to be something with my etorque system. I hope Ram can figure this problem out. This is my 4 Ram truck (97,03,09,19) and it's really concerning that Ram hasn't came up with a solution. I've read 16 pages of treads and not one dealer can put their finger on the problem. My buddies all drive Chevy's and they have all taken their trucks in for one thing or another and never heard them say they have been treated like all these Ram owner's.
I will start using my parking break again. Did have a manual car before this so I was in a good habit... Below is the video of the clunk/clank. Let me know if this is the same sound you are hearing. This wasn’t as loud as it has been before or was yesterday but it still gives you the idea.

sounds like my truck, at the dealership right now
I'm so glad I found this tread. My truck makes the same noise mostly on cold starts. I figured it to be something with my etorque system. I hope Ram can figure this problem out. This is my 4 Ram truck (97,03,09,19) and it's really concerning that Ram hasn't came up with a solution. I've read 16 pages of treads and not one dealer can put their finger on the problem. My buddies all drive Chevy's and they have all taken their trucks in for one thing or another and never heard them say they have been treated like all these Ram owner's.
I'm pretty sure that it is not E-Torque related. There are many of us who do not have E-Torque and we get the clunk.
Dealer just finished replacing the starter, the torque converter bolts, flywheel and bolts and inspecting everything around that, and the clunk is still there intermittently. No clue what they’re going to check now, but I guarantee you that this truck will be the truck they figure it out and send y’all a recall notice. We told the manager we didn’t want it back period with all the problems it has had since we drove it off the lot.
That’s it exactly
What have they checked so far? How many times have they given it back to you saying, it’s normal, or they all do it, or this one, your truck is fixed but when you start it to leave, it does it right in front of the mech that worked on it?
OK guys,

I have read all of the threads about this issue on this site and anywhere else that thinks they have an answer to this issue and, have not seen a logical – cohesive answer.

This is not about the 1, 2, 3 or more clicks or clacks during the engine startup process. I can manage that noise by not pressing too hard on the breaks during the start process.

Few of the members explained the issue correctly, however the topic became diluted and, at least I cannot determine the “” Possible”” root cause for the problem.

I have read and seen numerous videos and threads on other dodge/ram whatever sites about the Hemi Tick dating back to 2006.
there are countless threads/YouTube videos on this. I don't think that this is the tick - at 4000 miles!

The problem: during cold (cold as ambient temp. in AZ @ 114 degrees today) !!, the engine makes a loud, metallic clatter for 5 seconds or so. It sounds like valve-train noise. It sounds like someone with a hammer beating on a drum at high speed – it is click click click at 1000 plus per second.

So, before I take the damn truck to the idiot dealer and waste my time, has anyone have experienced this and, a valid root cause has been identified?
Oil and filter was changed by the dealer at 2600 miles. the truck has never been abused etc.etc.etc.

this is nonsense, I am putting up with all other BS nuances of a Beta truck like buggy infotainment system, mediocre AC, etc. , but possible mechanical issues like this is not acceptable for a 60K truck with an engine that has been around since 2003.
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Mine did it today. First time I noticed it. I was aware of this thread, but never read thru it until this evening. The truck has been sitting 3 days in my office garage. It has a brick floor. It is long enough to get 6 cars sitting side by side in it. The very back where the truck sat has a fairly large depression in it from a burst water pipe before my time with the structure. Puts it at a slight incline toward the rear, maybe 7 or 8 degrees. My previous truck an 09 Silverado sat there from time to time and did the same thing. I'm thinking it is "cavitation." The oil in the transmission moves towards the back lower parts of the pan, draining some from the converter. When you start the truck and the pump has to fill the converter again and the clunk is the result of the fluid pressure equalizing in the converter. Might explain why it doesn't do it on the second start of the day. Light touch on the brake pedal, maybe just enough to dampen the clunk, thru the brakes to axels and up the drive shaft to the transmission. Best I can come up with tonight.

Normally my truck is parked level, no strain on the parking prawl If I'm off level I shift to neutral, set the parking brake, then shift to park. I'll pay closer attention over the next few days to conditions and see if it does it again.

Same thing as when on the stern of larger ocean going ships in rough seas. The stern comes up to high and the props grab too much air, creates air bubbles around the props and they cavitate, vibrates the whole back end until they sink back down and can get a full bite of water like they are designed to operate in.
It has nothing to do with level parking or not using the parking brake. Ram literally have no idea why they do it.
OK guys,

I have read all of the threads about this issue on this site and anywhere else that thinks they have an answer to this issue and, have not seen a logical – cohesive answer.

This is not about the 1, 2, 3 or more clicks or clacks during the engine startup process. I can manage that noise by not pressing too hard on the breaks during the start process.

Few of the members explained the issue correctly, however the topic became diluted and, at least I cannot determine the “” Possible”” root cause for the problem.

I have read and seen numerous videos and threads on other dodge/ram whatever sites about the Hemi Tick.

If the damn Hemi Tick starts at 4000 miles, then screw this POS truck.

The problem: during cold (cold as ambient temp. in AZ @ 114 degrees today) !!, the engine makes a loud, metallic clatter for 5 seconds or so. It sounds like valve-train noise. It sounds like someone with a hammer beating on a drum at high speed – it is click click click at 1000 plus per second.

So, before I take the damn truck to the idiot dealer and waste my time, does anyone have experienced this and, a valid root cause has been identified?
Oil and filter was changed by the dealer at 2600 miles. the truck has never been abused etc.etc.etc.
PS. If any of you have a Kawasaki concours 14 you know what I am talking about (it is normal with C14 with VVT).

Ours went in for the clunk within 4 days of owning it. Read my post above on what the dealer has done, we told the manager we don’t want the truck back, it had less than 5-600 miles on it when we notified them. They have no clue, they’ve thrown parts at it for over 2 weeks and it’s been in the shop 3 separate times. Been told it’s fixed, it’s normal, they don’t know.
Did they pinpoint a rootcause?
I tried 3 time this morning and it did not make the noise on start up. so far with limited testing, in my case it is not related to "cold" start. it does it during the first start of the day and when the engine is hot. it is random.

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