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Lots of issues reported, curious who’s had no issues, major ones anyway?

Zero issues so far, I'm at 3,000 miles.

We also have GM and Ford trucks, I will occasionally check on the 2019-Newer forums for both the F150 and Silverado, they don't seem to have any less issues than we have here. Most people don't make post about having no issues on car forums, it's usually people who have an issue which makes it seem it's higher than normal.
Zero issues so far, I'm at 3,000 miles.

We also have GM and Ford trucks, I will occasionally check on the 2019-Newer forums for both the F150 and Silverado, they don't seem to have any less issues than we have here. Most people don't make post about having no issues on car forums, it's usually people who have an issue which makes it seem it's higher than normal.
That's something most people don't realize. According to this site there's about 24k members here. Even if we assume every single member joined to ask or complain about a problem with their truck, you would still be talking about less than 5% of all the new Ram trucks sold. Naturally, not every person who buys a vehicle joins an online forum, but neither does every joiner have a problem. Looking at the total threads, completely unscientifically, I would guess maybe 1,000 people with a problem out of 24k members. That's still less than 5%.

I get it that it sucks if you are in that 5% - these things are expensive and no one likes having to cart a new vehicle back and forth to be repaired. But nothing in life is foolproof and if it burns your *** too bad to have to get problems looked at the only reasonable alternative is to change trucks, change brands, or buy used and accept repairs at a cheaper price of initial ownership.
19k miles, early built etorque, no issues.

FWIW this around the mileage my ecoboost ate an alternator and left me stranded in FL. Previous hemi truck, 34k miles with no issues.

Just saying.
Normal recalls, cab isolator mounts, had the whole key fob system replaced other than that been great for 35k
So far pretty much trouble free. 17000+, and only thing done other than recalls is sensor in right side mirror had to be replaced.
I purchased a 2020 Ram limited 3 months ago. Shortly after I bought it I went to use the NAV system on the 12" screen and it froze up every few min for about 3 or 4 min . On and off kept freezing and coming back. Needless to say it makes the NAV system useless. I also noticed the phone drops every call after about 5 or 6 min of talking. I brought it to the dealer 4 times over the last few months and they could not fix the problem. Finally they told me there is a software update due out and I just have to wait. so I have a usless NAV system and I drop every bluetooth call after a few min and there is no fix yet - just waiting. I bought this truck in large part due to the screen and I wanted to use the NAV system a lot instead of my phone! Very disappointed in this system and RAM - I will give it a couple weeks and then I contacting a warrenty attorney -enlosed is a video I took of my system and exactly what it does (or does not do!)
I’m going on 13 months, 19,820 miles and has never been to the shop for anything but oil changes. I do have two open recalls though.
We have had our 19 since October of 2018. Just over 22,000 miles now. The only issue is the squeaking brakes. Doesn't affect performance, just annoying. Have had 2 recalls done, but only because the dealer called us and suggested we get them done.

To the poster on the first page who asked "how can you call it problem free when you have had 2 recalls done?" My response is this: I never had the problem that warranted the recall. So, I don't consider it a problem if I never experienced it. Getting the recall done was purely a preventative measure at the suggestion of the dealer.

This truck has been rock solid. A/C works fine, not good enough, fine. As good as my 2014 Silverado's A/C was.

As far as me putting up with the brake squeal. I want a good set of aftermarket pads like EBC, Stoptech or Performance Friction. So far, NO ONE makes pads for this.

Really? This model has been out nearly 2 years, there are thousands of these on the road and none of the aftermarket companies can produce brake pads for it... Makes zero sense to me.

Anyway, good to see others with reliable trucks like mine.
I purchased a 2020 Ram limited 3 months ago. Shortly after I bought it I went to use the NAV system on the 12" screen and it froze up every few min for about 3 or 4 min . On and off kept freezing and coming back. Needless to say it makes the NAV system useless. I also noticed the phone drops every call after about 5 or 6 min of talking. I brought it to the dealer 4 times over the last few months and they could not fix the problem. Finally they told me there is a software update due out and I just have to wait. so I have a usless NAV system and I drop every bluetooth call after a few min and there is no fix yet - just waiting. I bought this truck in large part due to the screen and I wanted to use the NAV system a lot instead of my phone! Very disappointed in this system and RAM - I will give it a couple weeks and then I contacting a warrenty attorney -enlosed is a video I took of my system and exactly what it does (or does not do!)
That would be a waste of time; somewhere in there, in the papers you signed when you bought, you agreed to arbitration first before any kind of court case can proceed. You might just as well trade it on something else before spending any money on an attorney anyway.
Awesome to hear from someone in Europe with a full size - where are you? How is it owning a full size truck over there (parking, gas costs, insurance, etc)? I'm curious to win case I end up in Europe after I retire :)

I'm based in Belgium, and drive the truck throughout Belgium, the Netherlands and the UK. In terms of parking; underground parking is a nono. No way you'll be able to make the turns or fit into the tiny spaces. Outside/street parking is mostly ok, although the length of the truck can cause some challenges. Best are the spaces with a little strip of grass or pavement behind the parking space, so that the back over the truck can hang over that.
Gas cost is huge, over €1,50 per liter or over $6.00 per gallon. We are used to LPG conversions here however, and LPG is roughly $2.25 per gallon.
Insurance is highly depending on the driver. I think I pay roughly $1,550 a year for an all risks covered insurance. I received offers for $2,500 as well though.
Driving the truck here is great. You feel like the king of the road. You'll have to be aware though that the infrastructure here was not necessarily made for cars this size :)
As far as RAM quality, you have to keep things in perspective. I checked back on my old 2015+ f150 forum, the cooled seats issue is still raging (only a 552 page thread) and Ford still has not fixed the issue...
“Sticky Poll Cooling Seats issue and TSB feedback
Multi-page thread
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Thread Rating: 8 votes, 5.00 average.
dstrat1 on 06-06-2015
10-30-2019 11:50 AM
by AZPlatinumEB Go to last post
5,510 posts

so I don't think Ford has anything over RAM on the quality and “fixing the problem in a timely manner“ department. At least not on cooled seats... :unsure:
Just curious who’s had little to no issue with their RAM so far. Most vehicles have some issues but barring the minor who’s out there with little to no issues with their truck.

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I currently have my truck in a paint booth getting the roof repaired. Looks like when they spread the roof there was a glob of seam sealer that got sprayed over. Noticed it when I was washing the top. Also had to take it back to the dealer because the switches for the lane departure and back up assist weren't installed.
No issues here. Had an issue with Android Auto but that was a a samsung problem and is all resolved. I love my Rebel. Bought in June of 2019.
I only had an issue with a sunroof seal. They replaced it and I don’t have any wind noise. I love my truck.

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Just curious who’s had little to no issue with their RAM so far. Most vehicles have some issues but barring the minor who’s out there with little to no issues with their truck.

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Truck built 10/18, purchased 06/19. Appx 8500 miles. Issues: TSB completed for a-pillar mount replacement. Check engine light once, reset, no further problem. Common on FCA vehicles with this type of emission system. Since then, best vehicle I’ve ever owned as far as “completely” satisfied off the lot. Only “mod” was ceramic tint. Would I buy again? Yes.
Update: Spoke too soon. Passenger side at top corner has a drop. Not big enough to run down. Been raining for a few days. I’ll check tomorrow.
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Mine has been great other than the recalls. right side mirror is slow to de-fog. Air conditioning sometime turns off from Auto temp
Come sit by the tire fire and i will tell you the story of my people.

We were sold on an established brand with a body update.

At least I got a serious hassle of defects and tsbs that led to a overheat before my third payment.

The dealership doesnt care because sold is sold. Lemons go back to fca.

Warranty service shops dont care because fca is the customer that pays them and they get repeat business from fca no matter how badly they hump the truck owner.

Chrysler claims helplessness as the service centers they authorize for warranty work are "independent owned and operated".

So when a fca franchise sells you a known defect production range truck they dont care. The warranty shop doesn't care, you aren't even their customer. FCA lets it all play out as the system they put in place leads customers to give up from exhaustion rather than chase fixing all of the problems.

When someone runs the full gauntlet and lemon laws their truck due to the problems, fca can dump it as a dealership or fleet loaner where the owner is the shop who ends up getting paid to fix it as warranty.

On the chance that you bought a 1500 for actual work, florida lemon law doesnt apply, so they get off even easier.

The florida attorney general links in my sig are the number of trucks that failed taking themselves out of service long enough that the govt stepped in and declared that it was too much to put up with.

Caveat emptor.
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Bought in July, almost 13k miles, no issues as of yet, knock on wood. The only "problem" is the 120 v outlet which is weak. Don't really use or need it but will have it checked eventually.
Spoke too soon; rear window frame cracked and leaking.
16K miles, (2019 hemi 1500 2x4) other than 3 recalls that have been corrected, i had to get the right mirror replaced this week, it kept popping when folding in/out and would not stop self calibrating itself. Buddy of mine with the same type truck had #3 fuel injector to go out. He said the dealer mentioned they were seeing an uptick in #5 and #3 cylinder injectors being replaced.
On my third mirror! They are junk
We've had a total of four Rams (2019 and 2020) of the new body style in the family. We've owned Rams and other Chrysler vehicles going back to the 1970s. Of these four new body style Rams, only one has given us problems and that is because it was built on a Friday after the keg was opened in Sterling Heights. I dumped that baby within seven months of ownership simply because I had three others to compare to - and they have been 100% trouble free from day one.

I picked up a new 2020 Lone Star last Saturday and have had zero problems in the first week of ownership but then I test drove the hell out of it, crawled underneath, on top, tried every radio, mirror, electronic part I could cycle, and then took it back out on another test drive again. Think about it, we spend days and money looking at a house we are about to purchase but only test drive a vehicle for ten or fifteen minutes before pulling the trigger. I don't understand why more buyers don't take their coveralls with them when buying a vehicle so they can crawl underneath, check under the hood and then tell the salesman you will be going for two twenty minutes or longer test drives to ensure it is the vehicle you want. If the salesman says no, then go to the next dealership as you're spending a ton of money on a truck and have the right to inspect before the purchase - not be the service department guinea pig afterwards.
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