Business yes, but how many are writing it off?
I don't have any real idea of the % of owners who are in business and/or take a writeoff but I'd guess it's south of 50%. So what are the other 50+ % doing? Just ponying up over 100% of original sale price for a 2 yr old truck? I like the RAM but it isn't a 65' mustang or anything...
You (and others) make a good point for dealerships needing vehicles to resell, after all, next to service that's probably the #1 and 2 moneymakers they have. Parts adds some to the mix and a few have bodyshops too.
I get it that we are seeing a temporary shift in price, from "normal" incentives/values to an unrealistic 20-25% over valuation. If enough peeps pony up the benjamins then yes, that will set the new standard until supply catches up.
I still (stubborn old fool) don't see the economics behind everyday commuter folk who have a sound 2 year old truck deciding, "F it, I'll just pay over value for another, just cause'...".
Business yes, everyday Joe - ?
Lastly, someone please edumacate me on how banks and credit unions will lend 90-100% of these inflated values then when the market corrects, the buyer is upside down BIG TIME. Don't you think the repo's will start happening then? If I remember, the same stuff happened in the housing market in 2008-2010.
Not trying to argue (hate that in forums), just not sure what's driving this market in used trucks so hard.