I do agree somewhat but in reality, we let our guard down when buying the car. I hate to say it but its true. In my case, I got to comfortable with the finance manager as he claimed he used to work with my current GM at my dealer. And since I work in the dealer, I know several of the procedures and what not. But in the end, I got too comfortable with him and he used that to his advantage. I should of known better and read over each document that he was making me sign. As Northstar said, FCA didn't force us to buy the car. They didn't force us to sign any of the documents. That was on us. Im sure reps at FCA are laughing when someone calls in complaining after a dealer sells them a bunch of unneccessary products that were slipped into the contract. In sure the first thing the rep is gonna say is " you signed the documents, you didn't read what you were signing"? Complaining to them about our mistake is stupid. If I had to complain to the manufacture about the dealer, it would be the fact that they refuse to cancel a product after the fact, even when it had a clear cancellation policy.