Your dealer is playing a semantics game like mine did. They have huge profit built into this crap and they don’t want to do the refund.
Instead explain to them like I did but I’m not looking for a refund as I’m simply looking for them to credit back the funds used to pay for the GPS system to my bank note. I also uninstalled the crap and instead of smashing it I returned it to the dealer for the credit back to my bank note. Once I explained this and told them that I realize they can’t give me a refund because it’s a financed product but they can certainly credit that amount back to my bank note, the general manager agreed.
If you’re arguing with a sales person, if you’re arguing with a sales manager trust me it’s not worth it…contact your dealer and ask to speak directly with the general manager of the dealership. If you have to, go online and find the name of the general manager as that’s the only way you’re going to get anything done. Additionally I would explain to the general manager that you will detail all of this and give them a bad rating on the FCA survey assuming you haven’t submitted it yet. That survey hits them hard as FCA will contact the dealer and tell them to make it right.