Here’s my .02 cents. so take if for what it’s worth.
Yes, your CM9 does have a safety (a passive striker block), so, unless you squeeze that DAO trigger, you can drop it on a concrete floor on it’s muzzle end, it will NOT fire.
Also, It’s not just speed (well it is), but more importantly, it is about remembering to follow certain procedures under duress. Same with a manual safety. When you are under attack and adrenaline starts to flow and get tunnel vision, and need to reach and draw, a lot of the fine motor skills like disengaging a safety or racking the slide go out the window, unless you train extensively. Even then, a lot of folks that do train, fail to do these things when sub-second decisions count the most, so yeah, .3 seconds coudl mean the difference between living or dying. Your choice brother.