I guess I don't understand the OP's point anyway. He has a truck that has 20k miles on it that (I think) he bought new in 2012. I'm assuming that it's not a broken down POS with those miles, so it seems to me he either wants to trade because he just wants something else and is sick of driving that vehicle or because he wants new technology. If he just wants something else, then I don't see what the point is in waiting because there's always going to be different vehicles offered, and if he wants new technology I don't see the point in waiting because technology is always going to change - unless he's waiting for something specific that doesn't exist yet like flying cars
I have a favorite saying: "Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good". Yes, maybe GM or Toyota or Ford or Tesla or Honda or Daewoo will come out with an even badder-asser truck next year. In the meantime, he gets to just keep driving the truck he obviously no longer wants when there's plenty of good trucks out there now and he might get hit by a train between now and the time that Daewoo launches the 2022 ***-smasher 4000