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Bilstein Availability

Some fronts only & front and rear seats in stock now at bilsteinslifts.com!!

Get em while they last!!
How's the 5100s on the rear feel? Are they spec'd for the Icon Springs, or just off the shelf 2020 Ram 1500 model?
they feel great...they are designed for a 0 to 2" lift...I really wanted the 5160s but they've been on backorder (and I'm very impatient)
Would I be able to achieve the same with getting the 5100 for the front instead of the 6112?
I think so...I know they are both adjustable, but I went with the 6112's (already assembled for $199 extra) so I could do a quick swap from the oem ones in my driveway
Is this what you ordered from ready lift?
yes, that's it👍
Are the 2019-2021's the same as far as the 5100's are concerned?
Wow. I haven’t checked the forum in a few days and just randomly thought I’d check my bookmarked 5100 Bilstein Lifts page. One pair in stock! Snagged them and then checked here. I never got an “in stock” email and I almost got caught sleeping. I think I am going to run the 5100s in front and if the ride is ok..... hold out for 5160 rears.
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Wow. I haven’t checked the forum in a few days and just randomly thought I’d check my bookmarked 5100 Bilstein Lifts page. One pair in stock! Snagged them and then checked here. I never got an “in stock” email and I almost got caught sleeping. I think I am going to run the 5100s in front and if the ride is ok..... hold out for 5160 rears.
I never received the in stock email either. Just happen to refresh their page yesterday and they had 8 in stock.
I ordered a set from Rock Auto, said it was the last 2 in stock. Now, I wait to see if they really ship.
The ones I ordered Monday from Bilsteinlifts came in yesterday with just standard shipping. Insanely fast with the current shipping climate.
The ones I ordered Monday from Bilsteinlifts came in yesterday with just standard shipping. Insanely fast with the current shipping climate.
I ordered Wednesday morning from them. Waiting on shipping notification.
Question, how does BilsteinLifts get them in stock quicker than some of the other sites like Summit and 4WP?

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