Most likely that is because even with a new rf hub, unless you are connected to witech, you can't do it. Witech needs to connect to the truck while doing a rf hub replace. Only if you have techauthority or witech available and connected to the truck when you do the rf hub replace procedure using a pin, will you be able to do this. The rf hub should read the bcm settings and transfer them to the rf hub when the rf hub replace procedure is being done. So if you add the door handles, the caps, the wiring, then add the info to the bcm using Alfaobd, then pay the dealer to install the new rf hub and the original keys, it should work. There is always a chance it won't work. Won't know until someone trys it.just to keep alls updated, Autotechelectronics said they are unable to set me up, even using a new RFH, they can't yet add options that aren't associated with the vin.
tried all that months ago. So here's your immediate issues if you want to jump on board with me and Jason Marsh.Sorry for double posting, I forgot to highlight one last thing that I didn't see mentioned in our thread but that was included in the link I sent. This might be why we are having issues with the settings not taking.
Apparently, all 2018+ RAMs have a security "feature" on the OBD connection and you will need a security gateway bypass cable in order for the car modules to take the updated settings. Apparently, when you plug these into the Security Gateway Module, it sort of unlocks the ability for the modules tot take new programming. You can leave the module attached so that future OBD updates will take, however, they recommend that you remove it before taking the truck to the dealership.
I found a couple of links to purchase:
2018+ FCA Security Gateway Module Bypass Module
Beginning with model years 2018 and above Chrysler – Dodge- Jeep – RAM – Fiat vehicles are equipped with a new device called a security gateway module. The purpose of this module is to prevent CAN bus hacking over the 3G or LTE network. alongside OBD Genie temporarily
2018 RAM Security Module Bypass
Now taking orders for RAM Security Module Bypass Harnesses. If you have a 2018 RAM or a 2019 RAM Classic and would like to perform diagnostics or make changes to the modules of your truck using tools like AlfaOBD or AutoEngenuity, this bypass is for you. Cost of the bypass is $55. In
2019 HD Security Gateway Module Location for Programmer
There is nothing quite like taking apart the whole dash on a brand new truck to find a module that is so far stuck into the truck that you have to take the dash apart..... Well it wasn’t quite that far back but you had to know where to look. When I bought my 2019 Ram Power Wagon one of
tried all that months ago. So here's your immediate issues if you want to jump on board with me and Jason Marsh.
1) pin puller doesn't support our trucks
2) Alfaobd doesn't support our RF Hubs
pre-2019 trucks used a different system, made by Continental, which yes, used a pin
2019+ trucks, use a RF hub made by Strattec, and it uses 2 backend logins.
(this was designed after the jeep Cherokee,etc thefts that made a PIN number easy to obtain, and thus could program a new key to a vehicle, and technically steal it)
a) first login, is a time-expiring random number seed
b) second login, is a challenge-response type
SO, you cannot go into a dealer and obtain a useful PIN number, and walk out it.
Yes, you may be able to get the time-expiring pin, which would be used by a locksmith for fob programming, BUT, you need the challenge-response pin in order to to a config replace on the Strattec RF Hub. And unless it gets cracked, the only way to get this challenge-response authenticated, is via a connected witech dongle while its logged in, and online with tech authority.
The door handles themselves, wiring, and the security bypass are all easy, and similar to other Chrysler vehicles. Jason and I have already done all that.
We've both tried at our dealers as well. The problem is, on the 2019 witech system, its somewhat made "idiot" proof on the user/tech end. Even if you purchase a new, unwritten RF Hub, AND you have enabled the options in the BCM, when you select "RF Hub Replace" which tells the RF Hub to download the new config from the BCM, what actually happens first, is the Witech does a vehicle config restore first, so you revert back to the factory vin options in the BCM, and then the new RF Hub just gets the same config it had when you started.
***What's missing, is a way to do a RF Hub Config Replace all on its own,,which existed on the continental rf hub software, but not the strattec.
What I'm working on now, is restoring my vehicle config using a different vin all together, so like I have to find a Laramie that's very close option wise to my big horn, do a full restore using that vin, and then, see if I can get into all the modules, and update the vin.
This was possible on the pre-2018 trucks, because like I've replaced things like door modules, bcm's, and stuff, from junk yard trucks, and I've been able to update the vin's so they match. Not sure if this will work with the BCM and RFH on the 2019 truck, but that's where I'm at this point.
Pre-2018 trucks, very different from 2019's. And yes, it's sad.
You have the same confit as my truck and Jason marsh, do you need everything i mention from above.I have a question, I have remote start and push button start. I do not have the passive entry (door handle button) If I was to put the handles on would I need to do anything else? I also have the level 2 equipment group.
I would love to jump in and help out. I called a local dealership and they seemed positive on the ability to add the GXD sales code to the VIN as they are able to do that with the push button start. I think the only things holding me back now is obtaining the right hardware.
What is the minimum hardware that I need to get started? There are a few door handles that seem like they work. I have a non-chrome granite crystal truck.
2019 Ram 1500 Handle. Exterior door. Left, right, right or - 6CV64LAUAD | Factory Chrysler Parts, Bartow FL
Handle. Exterior door. Left, right, right or left. 2019 Ram 1500. Genuine Ram Part - 6CV64LAUAD (6CV64LAUAB, 6CV64LAUAC). Ships from Factory Chrysler Parts, Bartow FLwww.factorychryslerparts.com2019 Ram 1500 Handle. Exterior door. Left - 1UJ81LAUAG | Factory Chrysler Parts, Bartow FL
Handle. Exterior door. Left. 2019 Ram 1500. Genuine Ram Part - 1UJ81LAUAG (1UJ81LAUAE, 1UJ81LAUAF, 1UJ81LAUAD, 6PU81LAUAB, 6PU81LAUAA, 1UJ81LAUAI). Ships from Factory Chrysler Parts, Bartow
Is this door cap the only other part that is necessary?
6CV50LAUAB - MOPAR Cap. Door handle. Left | Factory Chrysler Parts, Bartow FL
Genuine MOPAR Part # 6CV50LAUAB (6CV50LAUAA, 6CV50LAUAC) - Cap. Door handle. Left. Fits 1500. Ships from Factory Chrysler Parts, Bartow
That is currently correct. The code needed GXD is not on the list under Vehicle Option Updates. The issue is if Mopar Accessories came out with a kit for this, they would need to add that code to the option list. This is really not a hard upgrade. I do not know if a request could be made to have Mopar accessories come up with a kit. The kit would be comprised of a wiring overlay for the doors, 2 door handles, 2 caps and an RF Hub. Then just add the code. Unless there are a lot of complaints to FCA about the way they cleverly worded the option list to imply is had proximity entry, Mopar Accessories may be the only hope. That was really ****ty the way FCA worded that when ordering the trucks. Sticker says Keyless Go, remote keyless entry. Real slippery. They changed the wording on the newer trucks to Push button start.I spoke to a buddy of mine that's a FCA mechanic. He works at the dealership I bought my past 2 RAM 1500's from, and he tells me that they have absolutely no wiggle room on adding codes. He told me the only way they're allowed is if the code is available as an add-on (like remote start) then they can program it and add the feature.
That is currently correct. The code needed GXD is not on the list under Vehicle Option Updates. The issue is if Mopar Accessories came out with a kit for this, they would need to add that code to the option list. This is really not a hard upgrade. I do not know if a request could be made to have Mopar accessories come up with a kit. The kit would be comprised of a wiring overlay for the doors, 2 door handles, 2 caps and an RF Hub. Then just add the code. Unless there are a lot of complaints to FCA about the way they cleverly worded the option list to imply is had proximity entry, Mopar Accessories may be the only hope. That was really ****ty the way FCA worded that when ordering the trucks. Sticker says Keyless Go, remote keyless entry. Real slippery. They changed the wording on the newer trucks to Push button start.
Ram Cares They frequent this boardYep... My salesman told me while i was placing my order for my '19 Bighorn that it for sure had the passive entry... Sure as **** didn't. I really hope they make it an accessory kit. I really want this option!!! Is there somewhere we can complain to try and make them add it as an accessory kit?
Hopefully they do, it is a nice upgrade.Yep... My salesman told me while i was placing my order for my '19 Bighorn that it for sure had the passive entry... Sure as **** didn't. I really hope they make it an accessory kit. I really want this option!!! Is there somewhere we can complain to try and make them add it as an accessory kit?