Be very careful. Something you need to consider is that if you go over the vehicle‘s listed limits, and get in an accident involving any other vehicles, your insurance company isn’t going to pay because you modified the vehicle to an extent that made it unsafe. The other driver will sue you and win.
Nobody here is trying to tell you what to do, or not to do. We just want all of our members to be safe.
Also, why would a reputable camper dealer sell you a camper that is not compatible with your vehicle?
Another thing to consider when going over weight limits. Too much weight can destroy your frame. Although this guy’s insurance paid for the repair, I wouldn’t expect to ever see that happen again. Thankfully he was able to pull over somewhere safe and didn’t lose control and crash.
Nobody here is trying to tell you what to do, or not to do. We just want all of our members to be safe.
Also, why would a reputable camper dealer sell you a camper that is not compatible with your vehicle?
Another thing to consider when going over weight limits. Too much weight can destroy your frame. Although this guy’s insurance paid for the repair, I wouldn’t expect to ever see that happen again. Thankfully he was able to pull over somewhere safe and didn’t lose control and crash.

Insurance Covers $17k Repair to Pavel's Broken Ram 3500 Frame
You've seen the photographs and read the article by now---the Pavel's 2020 Ram 3500 buckled in two with a 2020 Eagle Cap 1165 mounted on back. The

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