Ok so the bed lights arrived. Right away I took em out and looked into the plug housing. These are much deeper than the others, however idk if that means anything yet as I have to get the oem ones off the truck first. These look like they’ll directly fit, and are just snap in, but the nightmare here is getting up into the bedside to get the oems popped out.No, but interested in seeing more if you do. They only show these with RamBoxes. Was thinking my standard bed lights angled forward more than their photos show.

So there’s a tab at the bottom and a clip at the top. And in my bedside, even with the tail light off, it was next to impossible to 1. Get all the way up to the top of the light, 2. Have enough leverage to push the clip down while 3 pushing it out of the bed wall. Imma try one more time today with a couple ideas and some”improvised tools” because the engineer in me won’t just let it go.

I guess in should have known better than to say “these two quick mods” in my original post.

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