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Auto high beams are useless


Active Member
Nov 8, 2018
Reaction score
Albany ny area
These auto high beams suck on these trucks. It is a completely useless feature unless all
You do is drive on a flat highway. I’ve driven other cars with it and they all have a sensitivity adjustment. I don’t understand how people say they are so great. My lights go on and off and on and off over and over again any road sign plays havoc with the high beams.
Edit: video didn’t post originally

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I would say the actual High beams are great, but with other "automatic" things on this truck, they are not great. At least they can be disabled. (high beams, automatic braking, etc)
I find them to work well and have no issues. I had them on my Audi and also on my current 2019 Acura...neither of those have a sensitivity adjustment so not sure what you are referring to. They come on when they are supposed to and turn off when it sees brake lights or headlights coming towards it. What am I missing???
These auto high beams suck on these trucks. It is a completely useless feature unless all
You do is drive on a flat highway. I’ve driven other cars with it and they all have a sensitivity adjustment. I don’t understand how people say they are great....... sorry not the best videos but you get the point.
I actually like them. I haven't noticed any issue.
Same here, works as expected. Recently I found out a new feature, if you have the fog light on, the auto high beam still works. When on high beam, fog lights turn off, but when the high beam stops the fog lights come on. Pretty neat. In my previous vehicle if I chose fog lights auto high beam just won’t work
Same here, works as expected. Recently I found out a new feature, if you have the fog light on, the auto high beam still works. When on high beam, fog lights turn off, but when the high beam stops the fog lights come on. Pretty neat. In my previous vehicle if I chose fog lights auto high beam just won’t work
Good info. Thanks.
The auto high beam feature in the 5th gen is much much better than that in the 4th gen Rams. With that being said it is not without issues.

I do not like how it may or may not activate on a pitch black night with the trucks headlamps as the only light source.

If I really want the high beams on right now, I roll the headlight switch off of auto. Then the old fashion way of toggling with the stalk the high beams and dimming as I see fit works well.

Also as posted above the light output of the new truck is phenomenally better than prior years.
I find them to work well and have no issues. I had them on my Audi and also on my current 2019 Acura...neither of those have a sensitivity adjustment so not sure what you are referring to. They come on when they are supposed to and turn off when it sees brake lights or headlights coming towards it. What am I missing???
Please see video, did t get posted right the first time
I think they work pretty good, they function as they are supposed to. I think they are on par just like if I were to be controlling them.
i do not think they work very well, they reflect off all the signs around here and are constantly high/low/high/low ... now i just set my headlight switch to auto and i have placed a cover over the sensor on the dash .... this makes the headlights manual but when i shut off the engine the lights will go OFF automatically just like the head lights in my 2010, 2012,3015, 2016, 2018 Tundras ... i can not find any other way to get the lights auto on/off on these RAMs
I had them turned off on my previous truck [16 F150 Plat] because they sucked. These work good for me so i am using them.
These are the best I've had so far, but certainly not perfect. Never had a sensitivity adjustment.......
I agree with OP, the constant hi to low on 2 lane roads is ridiculous and I have just stopped using the auto feature, we have a '18 durango and they work perfectly
Very interesting. They work great on the few times I have had the opportunity to use them for me. But I've never had anything like your video either. If I did, I would probably just switch them off auto for sure.
I have about an hour commute, half of which is on back roads similar to what is shown in the video. My auto beams are a little sensitive when picking up the reflection of larger signs, but there aren't too many signs on my route until I reach the highway where this isn't an issue.

Its also important to remember that technology has its limitations. Overall, I think the auto high beams are exceptional.
i do not think they work very well, they reflect off all the signs around here and are constantly high/low/high/low ... now i just set my headlight switch to auto and i have placed a cover over the sensor on the dash .... this makes the headlights manual but when i shut off the engine the lights will go OFF automatically just like the head lights in my 2010, 2012,3015, 2016, 2018 Tundras ... i can not find any other way to get the lights auto on/off on these RAMs
The lights are on a timer. You can change it in the settings. Eventually they will go off automatically depending on what your setting is. I have mine set to 90 seconds. I like that they stay on for a period of time.
I've tired mine a few times and they are annoying on the roads I drive. Flashing on and off constantly from road sign reflections. The ones on my 2015 F150 weren't great, but worked better than these. Just gonna leave them turned off in the settings.
I've tired mine a few times and they are annoying on the roads I drive. Flashing on and off constantly from road sign reflections. The ones on my 2015 F150 weren't great, but worked better than these. Just gonna leave them turned off in the settings.

Agreed, they flash on/off/on/off around road signs. Only time I think they work well is long stretches of two lane back highways. Irritating the rest of the time. I rarely use them.

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