Yep so much time I couldn't even get on here yesterday to respond to you, oh the horror of not getting onto the forums every single day.
I would keep responding but honestly didn't make it past the first line this time, and I see you've found others to play with in my absence (that's the part that really hurts) and although you've got all the free time, I wouldn't want to overload your debate schedule. You certainly win the award for being able to out debate others on the internet that have things to do, congrats.
We actually have the rest of the day for ourselves for once, so I'm going to choose to take the dogs for a long walk with the family and then we are going to relax for a change and watch some movies. Actively choosing to be lazy here, cause it's actually nice today and the roads are nearly salt free, too bad I can't count on having free time the same time as the weather being good and the roads not being caked with salt every week! Good thing my truck is already clean and salt free anyway!
Lol here I have to agree with
@SnowBlaZR2 and ask who wasn't playing nice? Certainly nothing to shut a thread down about!