FWIW.... RAM has a payload/towing chart located at:
Problem is, the chart is for a stripped RAM. For example, the line for my truck says a payload of 1,838 lbs, but the truck sticker says 1,081. Those options add up.
The chart is good to give you a guideline of how much engine, transmission and axle ratio impact your truck's payload/towing ability.
If you have a specific VIN, you can use
https://www.ramtrucks.com/towing/towing-guide.html#/landing/bytowing to get an exact number. Not sure whether this is available before the RAM is built.
That's a very helpful links, thanks.
And yea, that's the pitfall that I'm trying to address. The options eat up payload SCARY fast. Nearly 800lbs eaten away with the click of a few checkboxes. I certainly don't want a stripped-down tradesman, but I would like to be comfortable and not just be driving around a truck for show.
I have not towed yet with the eco diesel so those are the Hemi numbers. Supposedly the eco diesel will give a few extra MPG when towing also increasing range even more but I'll believe it when I see it myself.
Maintenance is a bit higher on the eco diesel and it uses DEF fluid which adds a small cost. I will start changing the oil myself as reading on here it sounds like it's not a big deal to do and is easier than the gas engine to change. That will offset some maintenance costs.
My personal thoughts on the towing limitations are the wind sail created by a camper. My limited with the 3.92 gears was rated to tow over 10,000 lbs and I have no doubt it could pull that all day without issue if there was minimal wind resistance, like a car on a flatbed. Taking off with the camper was no issue at all and it pulled it up to 40 like it wasn't back there. Add in that camper sail though and it all goes downhill. I had times with a strong headwind that I was struggling to maintain 50 MPH. The engine revved way up switching between 3rd and 4th gear barely keeping up. That wind resistance is the killer. On the flip side, I had one day with a strong tailwind on flat land and I got 13 mpg that day and the truck cruised along smoothly in 7th and even long stretches in 8th gear. That was the only time I had that experience though.
Stability was no issue and the truck felt solid and safe towing. I had sway control and load leveling hitch and it was sure and steady. Going down mountain passes out west was no issue and tow/haul mode did a great job of maintaining speed with minimal friction brake usage. And even going up them was comfortable. You weren't going 70 but not much issue going 40mph even on steep inclines. The truck can tow...it just can't beat mother nature...wind resistance. That's when the struggle begins.
Good info.
I've rented a Hemi 1500 a few years ago, had it about a month and I did tow some things around. Something I noticed is how the Hemi's power likes to kick in with the 8-speed. Struggling isn't the right word, because that engine really doesn't struggle....but the ECU really liked to pre-emptively drop gears with any movement of the throttle. When the transmission would drop down to 4th and the engine would spin up to 4500RPM, just to speed up a couple mph on the highway, it really made it feel like the truck was doing way more work than necessary. I'm hoping the EcoDiesel has more of a 'no-drama' demeanor at speed, pulling or not.
Take what what way? You mean calling it ridiculous to have 1000 lb payload?

Look, I know it's mostly in good fun. Which is why I said I'm happy to be the punching bag. And I still haven't seen anyone with a lower payload. So far I'm the ultimate payload loser.
Like I've said a couple time now in this thread, If I needed more payload but still wanted the options and features I have now, I'd have moved up to a HD Limited. I could have gotten a similarly equipped 2500 Limited 6.4 Hemi with the short bed for just a few thousand more than I paid for my 1500. The only sacrifice I would have had besides a better ride would have been that I couldn't have the MFT. Well, probably also fuel economy LOL. Have you considered going with an HD instead of a LD truck?
Take it as if I'm personally attacking you or your truck (I'm not).
It's an open statement as I begin to determine what to buy, and I seem to be in a pickle, here, because I want good options for a truck that I'm going to be driving 1.5hrs a day and in 8-12-hr marathons throughout the year with 4 people on a regular basis. I mean, I'm shopping for a $60-70k piece of equipment that I really want to enjoy and not regret something I did or didn't select on the build...but I also don't want to sacrifice capability. The RAM has a LOT of really nice options available, some I really think would be useful to me, but not if they take away from something else I need, particularly payload.
-Advanced Safety Group. Top of my list. I recently rear-ended an old lady making a right because she changed her mind in the middle of the intersection. I think today's technology could've prevented that headache.
-Level 2 Equipment package. Towing Package, and Bed Utility group, and 33-gal tank. For my needs, too useful to pass up.
-RamBox and Air suspension. I really could use it, but I'm now sacrificing one need to gain another.
-Sunroof, multi-use tailgate, 12" screen. Nice, but certainly not worth the payload sacrifice.
I think a 2500HD is overkill for me when my Frontier has served my utilitarian needs fantastic (aside from comfort). When my Frontier can handle over 7,000lbs towing and 1,500lb in the bed without a grunt (yes, slightly over the DOT specs, I know), I honestly feel that a 1500 (with a more comfortable cab) should fit the bill.
Also, the the fuel filter needs to be replaced every other oil change
Noted. I've always done my own maintenance, but I've never worked on a Diesel outside of my company's ~300kVA backup generator.