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What does everyone do for a living?

Sir I didn't go to college and I'm paid very well for what I do for a living, its all how you look at it and what on the job training you can do. don't give up strive to be better and find a better job. even if you have to start off at the bottom a little bit in the beginning what the hell.

My Dad always said keep all your irons in the fire !

Yea, lots of kids major in engineering only to realize they don't actually care for it...but still push through because it's well paying right out of school and not too difficult to find a job. But you can tell they dread being there when I'm managing a whiteboard session or doing design reviews. There are plenty where you see that sparkle in their eye though, I try to get them to a good mentor before the rest drag them down.

Personally, if I ever lose the enjoyment I get out of my current career I'd pivot into being a home theater distributor/installer (already considering doing this as a side hustle), or maybe open a BBQ restaurant if I'm feeling masochistic.
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Yea, lots of kids major in engineering only to realize they don't actually care for it...but still push through because it's well paying right out of school and not too difficult to find a job. But you can tell they dread being there when I'm managing a whiteboard session or doing design reviews.

Personally, if I ever lose the enjoyment I get out of my current career I'd pivot into being a home theater distributor/installer (already considering doing this as a side hustle), or maybe open a BBQ restaurant if I'm feeling masochistic.
I sell software for law enforcement, about a year ago selling/travel became really hard (covid), law enforcement heroes, started getting sh×× on, current political leaders are looking to fund ridiculousness by redistribution. So at 49, I am done with my job as of this week, however home theater sounds like fun. I would never screw up a good weekend BBQ by attempting to make $ at it. Last weeks brisket was too perfect
my job pays very well on top of a large input into inuity fund and probably the best pension of any job out there. My health insurance is top notch. Without a college education I wouldn’t be able to live the life I live. Or afford my new rebel. Lol. I just am getting old for the physical labor that I perform. Local 731. NYC
I sell software for law enforcement, about a year ago selling/travel became really hard (covid), law enforcement heroes, started getting sh×× on, current political leaders are looking to fund ridiculousness by redistribution. So at 49, I am done with my job as of this week, however home theater sounds like fun. I would never screw up a good weekend BBQ by attempting to make $ at it. Last weeks brisket was too perfect
Yea, my dad is a newly retired cop. I know this all too well.

And yea, you probably have a point with BBQ LOL. I'm one of those where I'm usually disappointed with most BBQ joints (with very few exceptions) and I feel like I make a better brisket than most. But once you start going for volume that certainly changes things.
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Interesting thread.
I'm a chief tax assessor for a small Pa county. Responsible for about 20,000 parcels. Took the vacant job right out of college, almost ten years ago. It has it's days with unruly taxpayers, but for the most part, a good gig. The government pay, benefits, retirement, and time off outweigh the stress. For now ha. When I get tired of being cooped up in the office, I go out and measure new construction and enjoy the nice weather.
I’m in IT and work for a local state hospital. I started as a “delivery of, move and install equipment” sort of role but have grown to support a much wider range of things. I am capable of covering the department, and have also got my eyes on moving up the chain when some colleagues retire in the next few years. ;)

I also own my own business of buying/selling server-grade equipment, but that’s still a WIP. I’m getting it all registered and such in the coming weeks so that I can comply with all rules, regs and tax annoyances. :D
Do you ever work in imaging and know dicom? I service and maintain MRI, nuc med, and ultrasound for the manufacturer. Later
Police officer 👮‍♂️ 🚔 got 15 years in, 5 to go.
I also let everyone that drives a Ram go with a verbal warning. Unless its a homicide! THEN its a written warning! I can not wait to retire.
Congrats, you’re almost at the finish line. It will be interesting (or sad) to see how bad the staffing shortage gets with the current view of policing. I feel bad for officers across the country who have to deal with that on a daily basis. I wonder how they are planning to reverse that view to get new recruits.
Mortgage Banker / Day trader...looking to get away from Mortgage and trade full time, too much BS with loans on a daily basis

I agree on that My wife is a Loan processor and she's always busy. But works for a great company and she's happy with her job.
They recently rewarded her with a piece of work out equipment at her one year anniversary I now have in my way in the man cave a $5700 Treadmill.
I agree on that My wife is a Loan processor and she's always busy. But works for a great company and she's happy with her job.
They recently rewarded her with a piece of work out equipment at her one year anniversary I now have in my way in the man cave a $5700 Treadmill.
You should be saying I now have a $5700 Treadmill for sale on Craig's List!
At my day job, I am a process safety engineer. I also have a side business where I provide environmental consulting and industrial hygiene services. I basically provide the "heavy lifting" to other consultants. If they run up against something too hard or that they don't have the credentials to do, I can either do it or I have some associates that can.
I agree on that My wife is a Loan processor and she's always busy. But works for a great company and she's happy with her job.
They recently rewarded her with a piece of work out equipment at her one year anniversary I now have in my way in the man cave a $5700 Treadmill.
The only exercise that you're going to get out of that treadmill is carrying it into the garage and carrying it out of the garage.
You should be saying I now have a $5700 Treadmill for sale on Craig's List!

If it were that easy i would sell it, she got it as her bonus, when it becomes her clothing hanger it will go on craigslist for sale. and i will keep the profits for it to buy stuff for myself.
The only exercise that you're going to get out of that treadmill is carrying it into the garage and carrying it out of the garage.
it was white glove delivered 4 guys had to carry it into the house and then assemble it, practically as big as one from planet fitness with its own tv screen above the digital screen. Glad it isn't purple.
If it were that easy i would sell it, she got it as her bonus, when it becomes her clothing hanger it will go on craigslist for sale. and i will keep the profits for it to buy stuff for myself.
Funny thing about my workout equipment....I use the stuff I bought pretty regularly. The treadmill I got for free? I used it to hang my towels in my home gym. Just sold it to free up space for more gear I'd actually use.

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