Hey peeps, lotta stuff happened the past 6 months, so i've been a little off the grid haha. so in ref to the above post i did from last Nov... the truck was still within the original factory warranty by like 5k miles so luckily the dealer actually replaced the entire rear window under warranty. I was actually amazed it ended up that way because of the way they were handling it. No one wants to work on water leak stuff. the first time they said they did a water test and pulled the headliner down and had a tech inside and a tech outside and said there was no leak found... which i was already suspect since thats not how water works.

so they said "keep an eye on it and let us know" which is "do your own water test" basically.
2 days later it snows, then the snow melted and it started to leak on the seat immediately... so THIS time i took it to a car wash right away... pulled in and got in the back seat. it started actively leaking right away again so i took pics and video. and it stopped as soon as i pulled out of the carwash. Took all of that to the dealer and showed them, and they were like "ok we'll check it out." the called me back and described the "water test" procedure to me again (as if this was the first time telling me ::: or doing it ::: haha) and then said that the frame had separated from the glass in one spot on the passenger's side. so they said they had to replace the entire back window.
they ordered it, it got there in like 3 weeks and they had the truck another couple days when it arrived as they take it apart, a glass company installs it and then the dealer puts it back together... but not well actually haha. the Driver's side C-pillar was sticking out with the air bag log screw cap hanging. in the day light i realized a wire bundle was in the way so i removed 3 screws, moved it and snapped the c-pillar back in and put the screws back in. Kinda pissed me off cuz like what, you just said F-it and gave it back to the customer like that? lame. but fixable and in the end, the new window is sealed up nice and tight (and it actually looks pretty different from the old one too so i'm hoping that means its a newly designed part and this won't happen again, but

Fast Forward to NOW, when what i did to my Ram today was PAID HER OFF!!!!