Active Member
Forgot to mention this in my earlier post. This blew when I hooked up the brand new trailer to the truck this morning. Trying to figure out why. Initial hookup yielded left side front and rear marker lights working. Never could get the right side to light up only in the rear. After going through all the light checks and inspecting the inside of the trailer, all while still hooked up to the truck, closed trailer and all marker lights no longer worked. Checked power to my TBC and everything showed still connected. Never lost lights on the truck, just the trailer. Used the spare fuse in the engine bay box and original lights returned. Still no right rear marker light. Brakes and turn signals never stopped working. Sounds like a short in the trailer wiring, but it's brand new? Never had an issue with other trailers. Thoughts?
What kind of trailer is it? My brand new Haulmark car hauler was rusting in less than 2 months. Warranty claim the found it was just steel shavings from the self taping screws between the aluminum molding and the aluminum skin. (Had a dozen or more spots like this, this was the worst. Still don’t have trailer back yet.)

All this was happening at the same time I had the problem with my first truck, so new truck hasn’t towed yet.. Also have wdh, just not set up yet (pulled it 300+ miles so far, all just hauling air on a standard hitch.). Lights have been fine. My move will be a little farther than yours.