Added a tailgate seal tonight in prep for the Bedrug once i get a new Velcro kit for it. For the most part it's a nice kit. Needs more of the big seal piece, and less of the small. As you can see, had to double up on the lower corners of tailgate, and couldn't get the very top sealed. Basically, you only need the small seal across bottom of tailgate, and the big seal for the sides. But there isn't enough of the big seal. I used the entire length just in the middle of sides between the two bumpers. It does make closing the tailgate harder, you really have to push on it. But it still opens just fine.
Link to the seal kit
ESI Ultimate Tailgate Seal with Taper Seal 10ft for use with Truck Caps and Tonneau Covers

Link to the seal kit
ESI Ultimate Tailgate Seal with Taper Seal 10ft for use with Truck Caps and Tonneau Covers