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Uconnect 8.4 nav no sound

It is very frustrating when this happens but it usually rectifies itself. If not, try disconnecting the negative battery cable and forcing a reset.
You are exactly right on this. Got in the truck this morning and everything in the sound system working normal again 12 hrs later from previous day. Amazing ..lol
Looks like it’s been awhile on this post, this same scenario has happened to me 4-5x now. Clicking the source button on the back of the radio helped until this most recent time. Couldn’t find a solution to get the volume back. Will check this afternoon and see if it’s working. The common thing I’ve noticed has to do with remote start and/or the key fob. For example, everytime it’s happened to me I’ve remote started the engine. Until today, where I pulled the truck out of the garage, got out to throw trash away with key fob in my pocket, then got back in the truck to drive to work and no volume. I didn’t check to see/or turn on the radio between turning it on/pulling out of garage and getting back in from throwing trash out. Anyone else noticing this theme with the key fob or remote start?
I've not had any sound for 2 months. I turned the truck off to get gas and when I got back in I turned it on and switched it to drive faster than I should have and it went out. Seemed like I maybe shocked the system or something moving too fast. I tried the steering wheel buttons along with every dash button and setting. I also unhooked the battery for an hour, pulled and replaced all associated fuses, unhooked amp, left the power off for days, turned it all the way up for days, etc. Any other ideas or solutions out there? No Ram dealers close by but if I ever pass one I'll pull in to check.

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