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Uconnect 8.4 nav no sound

Radio volume turned off completely (2019 Ram Rebel 8.4). Turned truck off, tried every combo of fixes on screen I could think of. Your post about button on back of steering wheel worked right away . Thanks. I too hope update push (?) will fix permanently. Anyway thanks!
Just bought my 2018 on Friday, 34k miles, 8.4 screen, been loving it so far. Did remote start this morning, jumped in, no bluetooth, that's fine. Probably my phone I thought.
Switch over to radio screen, notice it has no volume. Can't adjust it (stuck at 16), can't change to FM or AM, can't change the XM station, except with the tune knob, which still produces no volume. Disconnected my phone, reconnected it, nothing. Tried the "soft reset" (holding tune and volume knob down for like a minute), nothing. Couldn't access the secret engineering menu. Saw this forum and tried the buttons on the back, but to no avail. I did notice that right when I get in, I can adjust the volume (still doesn't produce volume), but after about 5 seconds that sticks where it was. Gonna let the truck sit for a couple hours while I try to work and not think about the potential lemon I just bought, then go out and see if it's fixed itself. If not, will try negative bat terminal. Getting very worried.
Hey guys a while ago I had the same problem on my 2019 ram with 8.4 screen. I jumped into my truck in the morning and noticed there was no sound from radio, sensors, or anything in my truck. So I turned off the truck and turned in back on. Still nothing. Turned off truck again stepped out and locked it and got back in and tested again and still nothing. Finally did some reading online and someone said to click into the AM radio and all sound came back! This has happened to me 3 times in the past 8 months and this fixes it everytime! Hope it helps!
Just had this happen to me this morning. I haven't tried the soft reset but switched to AM and back and got nothing. After work I will see what happens when I start it up. Really don't want to take it to the dealership

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Just had this happen to me this morning. I haven't tried the soft reset but switched to AM and back and got nothing. After work I will see what happens when I start it up. Really don't want to take it to the dealership

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Did you try switching sources using the steering wheel control specifically? That's what worked for me the one and only time this happened.
Not yet. I will add that to the list of things to try after work

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This is an interesting thread, I own 2 fca vehicles (ram and jeep g.c.) both with the 8.4 nav and both have been pretty stable. The backup cam went out once in the jeep but it seemed to be a fluke as it never happened again. One thing ive noticed in this threat is only a few people are including what outside devices they are using with the uconnect system. There is a huge variety of phones/OS versions / and apps running on these phones. I wonder if this is more a problem with certain phones or USB devices causing combatability problems with the uconnect system. To those having issues try disconnecting all 3rd party hardware from the system, pull the battery cable, then see how the systems run. The uconnect system runs on CanBus so anything corrupting the bus with noise would cause issues (obd2 devices, engine tunes, etc). Ive been operating an IT company for 15 years and even the most stable system can be rendered useless when some 3rd party hardware is introduced. Not saying for sure, but this is how I would approach an IT problem from my experience. Good luck guys!
Great thought.

When mine went out, I had just plugged my IPOD into the USB port to charge as I was connected to the blue tooth.

When I started the truck after work, everything seemed to work fine. I haven't connected to the blue tooth with my IPOD yet

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I just went through a buy back from FCA on my 2019 RAM Bighorn 1500 due to multiple check engine lights and drive ability issues that they could never figure out. And also the problem with the radio volume and park sense not working. I just got a new 2020 RAM 1500 in the buy back, I have had it for 4 weeks now and have had the radio and park sense go out two times already. The first time the dealer replaced the back up camera? said that was the problem. Not!! it just happened again this morning, no sound and no park sense. If I push the AM button it fixes it self and the volume comes back on. Its going back into the dealer on Monday so they can do nothing again! I'm so done with FCA.
Did you try switching sources using the steering wheel control specifically? That's what worked for me the one and only time this happened.
Which button is it on the steering wheel? Thanks!
I’ve been reading the comments in this, and had the exact samething in my truck happen this morning where no sound would come out of my speakers. I looked up the F12 fuse but no one would say where it was at. I called Uconnect and they said get it to a dealership which screw that. I located the F12 fuse needed to reset everything. It’s located underneath your instrument panel, which you have to take off the cover panel underneath the steering wheel. It’s the only 25 watt fuse under there. I kept my truck on pulling it, turned it off, and re installed it. Works great now. I wanted to post this to make someone’s life a bit easier to not have to do all the reading I did.
I’ve been reading the comments in this, and had the exact samething in my truck happen this morning where no sound would come out of my speakers. I looked up the F12 fuse but no one would say where it was at. I called Uconnect and they said get it to a dealership which screw that. I located the F12 fuse needed to reset everything. It’s located underneath your instrument panel, which you have to take off the cover panel underneath the steering wheel. It’s the only 25 watt fuse under there. I kept my truck on pulling it, turned it off, and re installed it. Works great now. I wanted to post this to make someone’s life a bit easier to not have to do all the reading I did.
I wonder if this would work for my 2020 big horn with the 8.4 inch screen. The volume is not strong above 25. Anything over 25, all the way up to 38, it is no change in volume as a matter fact, it seems to get even a little lower in volume as I get up to 38. Everything sounds like the sound fluctuates as you get up there. The stereo does not crank loud like I want it to. Anyone have this issue?
I havent been here in a while, but this issue just happened. yesterday there was no sound when I moved the truck to let my wife out. didn't think much since I hit no to the pop up that says do you want to connect an audio device? This morning I left to go out and do some errands and I had no sound at all. Everything appeared to be working just no sound. I hit every button shut off and restarted but the thing that worked after reading the first page here was cycling the radio with the button on the back of the steering wheel. Changed it from FM to xm to cd to finally AM and I got static then it all started working.

I touched all the fuses underneath first and nothing was loose, so before pulling stuff and disconnecting the battery which would probably undo some software update I tried the button. So hit the middle of the volume button in the back of the steering wheel first. Worked for me. Have a great day and glad I found the post.
Took my truck in this morning with no appointment since it was doing the no audio crap thing again. They read the codes while it was idling in the vehicle drop off. Pulled 8 radio related codes. Two of them were "internal fault" codes that they said no update would ever fix. They ordered a new radio under warranty and said I should have it in 2 weeks. We shall see. I can honestly say I was extremely surprised at how painless this dealer visit was. I expected all types of run around statements and excuses why they couldn't do anything. I guess when the dealerships have no vehicles to sell they have to step up the game in the service department.
Sorry for late response I was away on vacation with no cellphone service. So I pulled the amplifier fuse and started the truck. Radio still worked but no sound (obviously). I shut the truck off and installed the fuse back in. Started the truck and bam I have sound again. It hasn't gone mute on me since. I hope it stays that way. At least I have a quick fix if it does and it hopeful helps out others with the same issue.
I am having the same issue, just happened this morning. No Audio at all. What number was the fuse that you pulled? I cant find it in the book and want to make sure I pull the right one. Also, was this in the interior fuse box under the steering column or in the main fuse box in the engine bay? Thanks for your help. Love the truck but damn it has some irritating issues.
Had the same problem on my 12" ......twice....... the last time I was driving by a Ram dealer and they "reset" the unit with their computer. I was thinking about pulling the Neg battery cable to "reset" the unit but your fuse idea makes much more sense.
Thanks. I'm glad it helped you out. Surprisingly the issue never came back, fingers crossed.
Where is the fuse located? If you don’t mind me asking. I’m having the drone noise sound problem. When I unplug my amp it goes away, When I plugged it back, No sound.
I am having the same issue, just happened this morning. No Audio at all. What number was the fuse that you pulled? I cant find it in the book and want to make sure I pull the right one. Also, was this in the interior fuse box under the steering column or in the main fuse box in the engine bay? Thanks for your help. Love the truck but damn it has some irritating issues.
Did you ever find out what number the fuse was, And where it’s located?
3 days / 400 miles old and have this same exact No Sound problem on a new 2022. It’s sad how poor the quality (software engineering) these sound systems are. Have appointment at dealer next Tuesday to hopefully repair.
It is very frustrating when this happens but it usually rectifies itself. If not, try disconnecting the negative battery cable and forcing a reset.

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