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Uconnect 5 is much better but…

The buggy-ness is annoying. Last night the reverse camera stayed on after putting the truck into drive. Had to cycle the gear knob back and forth between park and drive a few times to get it to return to normal. When pressing the Media tab all the tabs go white for a bit. Other than that it seems like its functioning as it was before.
The buggy-ness is annoying. Last night the reverse camera stayed on after putting the truck into drive. Had to cycle the gear knob back and forth between park and drive a few times to get it to return to normal. When pressing the Media tab all the tabs go white for a bit. Other than that it seems like its functioning as it was before.
Those are some of the things that remind me of hardware issues. I'm not sure every issue with the UConnect5 System is Software related. The UConnect5 is the brain, but many of the components attached to it may be causing the malfunctions.
I just updated a couple days ago, all issues I had prior are yet to return. To early to tell tho.
Same here. I just confirmed my update to 26.17 yesterday. Won't know for a good solid week or two if the gremlins have disappeared.
Still not able to receive the 26.17 update!! Uconnect5 is starting to falter in other areas now. Today I remote started my truck, but when I entered the cab my radio was in the off mode. I never turn off my radio! It usually comes on automatically and starts music where it left off. (I play music from a USB Drive only, no Sirus or Radio). Three times while out shopping when I cycled the ignition the radio had to be manually turned on. I've also noticed the front cameras now do not work.

I'm beginning to wonder if maybe the memory chips installed in these systems are faulty. These are essentially computers therefore I would assume memory chips are installed.

While searching for the System Apps to check my Version Number I came across my NAV info and Version. Why did RAM provide an outdated 2020 Map on a 2022 NAV System? I essentially paid $700 for an out dated NAV System.
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Still not able to receive the 26.17 update!! Uconnect5 is starting to falter in other areas now. Today I remote started my truck, but when I entered the cab my radio was in the off mode. I never turn off my radio! It usually comes on automatically and starts music where it left off. (I play music from a USB Drive only, no Sirus or Radio). Three times while out shopping when I cycled the ignition the radio had to be manually turned on. I've also noticed the front cameras now do not work.

I'm beginning to wonder if maybe the memory chips installed in these systems are faulty. These are essentially computers therefore I would assume memory chips are installed.
I lol'd when I read you say memory chip.

You are connecting dots that don't match and outright argue with people who give you correct factual information.
The radio units are running Android, so if you consider Android a computer then yes, along with anything else that uses electricity and has a circuit board.
The radio units are more like monitors then "the brain". You don't understand what is going on and you are trying to formulate fixes when it not within your power to do anything about it.

Maybe you should take your 2500 and go over to the HD forums and have better luck over there.
I lol'd when I read you say memory chip.

You are connecting dots that don't match and outright argue with people who give you correct factual information.
The radio units are running Android, so if you consider Android a computer then yes, along with anything else that uses electricity and has a circuit board.
The radio units are more like monitors then "the brain". You don't understand what is going on and you are trying to formulate fixes when it not within your power to do anything about it.

Maybe you should take your 2500 and go over to the HD forums and have better luck over there.
Didn't say I knew everything about the UConnect5 system!! I'm on this Forum to get help in understanding why my system is buggy. You are correct I don't know anything about the Android software or whatever you wish to call it. I'm familiar with computers and how memory chips relate to computers.

If you are referring to the member who stated very clearly that Jeeps did not come with UConnect5 when I clearly showed him a picture to prove my Niece ordered the System in her Jeep Grand Cherokee. He could have very nicely stated are you speaking of the the Grand Cherokee? Instead of stating Jeeps in general.

You are very much like him/her in your comments back to me. Very Rude. I'll just block you as I did him/her. You could of just kindly stated the UConnect5 System doesn't use memory based on the use of Android. I didn't state the system DID or DID NOT have memory, only that I ASSUMED it had memory.

I really don't care how knowledgeable you are on the system, maybe you need to learn how to treat individuals as a human being.
Didn't say I knew everything about the UConnect5 system!! I'm on this Forum to get help in understanding why my system is buggy. You are correct I don't know anything about the Android software or whatever you wish to call it. I'm familiar with computers and how memory chips relate to computers.

If you are referring to the member who stated very clearly that Jeeps did not come with UConnect5 when I clearly showed him a picture to prove my Niece ordered the System in her Jeep Grand Cherokee. He could have very nicely stated are you speaking of the the Grand Cherokee? Instead of stating Jeeps in general.

You are very much like him/her in your comments back to me. Very Rude. I'll just block you as I did him/her. You could of just kindly stated the UConnect5 System doesn't use memory based on the use of Android. I didn't state the system DID or DID NOT have memory, only that I ASSUMED it had memory.

I really don't care how knowledgeable you are on the system, maybe you need to learn how to treat individuals as a human being.
Don't trip on the way out.
Enjoy your Ram.
Fyi... There's a setting in the radio vehicle settings menu about where the radio keeps it's last power setting, turns on, or turns off when the vehicle turns on.

Maybe that was reset during the update.

Sent from my SM-G991U using Tapatalk
Didn't say I knew everything about the UConnect5 system!! I'm on this Forum to get help in understanding why my system is buggy. You are correct I don't know anything about the Android software or whatever you wish to call it. I'm familiar with computers and how memory chips relate to computers.

If you are referring to the member who stated very clearly that Jeeps did not come with UConnect5 when I clearly showed him a picture to prove my Niece ordered the System in her Jeep Grand Cherokee. He could have very nicely stated are you speaking of the the Grand Cherokee? Instead of stating Jeeps in general.

You are very much like him/her in your comments back to me. Very Rude. I'll just block you as I did him/her. You could of just kindly stated the UConnect5 System doesn't use memory based on the use of Android. I didn't state the system DID or DID NOT have memory, only that I ASSUMED it had memory.

I really don't care how knowledgeable you are on the system, maybe you need to learn how to treat individuals as a human being.
Jeep Cherokees don’t have Uconnect 5.

Instead of being rude and blocking very knowledgeable members might want to make sure they actually said what you are accusing them of saying. Jimmy07 clearly stated that Jeep Cherokees don't have Uconnect 5, which is 100% a fact. You are insinuating he said Jeeps in general don't have UConnect 5 which is a complete misrepresentation of what he said. Jeep Cherokees and Jeep Grand Cherokees are two completely different models. Your first statement that your niece's Jeep Cherokee has Uconnect 5 was in fact a wrong statement that Jimmy07 corrected.

My Niece purchased a 2022 Jeep Cherokee Limited with the UConnect5 System. She's had it for 6 months now with 17K miles. She's had zero problems with her UConnect5 System. Makes me wonder why Chrysler doesn't use much of the same software in all their vehicles?
I just got on the Jeep.Com website and Built a 2022 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited L. The same unit my Niece Purchased that I have been driving for the past couple months. Regardless of whether he/she stated Jeep, Jeep Cherokee, Jeep Grand Cherokee, Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited or Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited L, he/she stated in general Jeeps did not come with UConnect5. He/she may be very informative regarding the UConnect5 System and how it operates, but I'm not! I'm on this site to learn.

A polite "Sorry I didn't mean Jeeps in General" and recognizing the 2022 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited L Model did indeed come with UConnect5 would have been appreciated. Maybe he/she needs to get on Jeep.Com and build a like model to see UConnect5 is an option.

The other poster who stated I couldn't line up the dots and laughed because I assumed some type of memory may be installed and wasn't doing it's job can also quit answering my posts. I don't allow people of this caliber in my life. If the Moderator wishes to allow these type of individuals to make rude comments to other members, you are correct I need to go elsewhere.
Fyi... There's a setting in the radio vehicle settings menu about where the radio keeps it's last power setting, turns on, or turns off when the vehicle turns on.

Maybe that was reset during the update.

Sent from my SM-G991U using Tapatalk
Thanks for the help Mpgrimm2. You are correct the setting exists. Not sure if you meant your post to be for me, but yes! I did find it in settings. Somewhere along the line this setting changed to "OFF" whereas I had it set to remember where I shut off the ignition so it would begin at the same place once I cycled the ignition.

It wasn't changed via an update because I still cannot get the update to apply to my VIN. I did however, soft reset the system so that may have caused the problem.

Again, something is telling me settings are not being remembered however Android causes settings to be remembered. I'm afraid to use the word "Memory" for fear of backlash from members on this site.

Regardless! As a whole, the problems members are having where the App was there but becomes missing and then returns, Radio Stations do not keep and have to be reset, TPMS Tire pressures aren't saved, or any function where a setting is supposed to stay in memory tells me it's a memory problem wherever / however that function is built into the software.
I just got on the Jeep.Com website and Built a 2022 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited L. The same unit my Niece Purchased that I have been driving for the past couple months. Regardless of whether he/she stated Jeep, Jeep Cherokee, Jeep Grand Cherokee, Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited or Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited L, he/she stated in general Jeeps did not come with UConnect5. He/she may be very informative regarding the UConnect5 System and how it operates, but I'm not! I'm on this site to learn.

A polite "Sorry I didn't mean Jeeps in General" and recognizing the 2022 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited L Model did indeed come with UConnect5 would have been appreciated. Maybe he/she needs to get on Jeep.Com and build a like model to see UConnect5 is an option.

The other poster who stated I couldn't line up the dots and laughed because I assumed some type of memory may be installed and wasn't doing it's job can also quit answering my posts. I don't allow people of this caliber in my life. If the Moderator wishes to allow these type of individuals to make rude comments to other members, you are correct I need to go elsewhere.
Nowhere did he state Jeeps in general don't have UConnect 5. That's a complete misrepresentation of what was said. He clearly stated Jeep Cherokees don't have Uconnect 5 which again is a 100% factual statement. Go build a Jeep Cherokee Limited like you originally stated your niece bought, and you will see Uconnect 5 is not an option. He didn't say Jeeps don't have Uconnect 5 or Jeep Grand Cherokees don't have Uconnect 5, he said the Jeep Cherokees don't have Uconnect 5. It's your mistake/misunderstanding for clearly saying your niece had a Jeep Cherokee, which was an incorrect statement
Just an update, its been 3 weeks-ish since i received the OTA 26.17 update and so far it has been an improvement. I have not had a single loud buzzing freeze up, climate controls have not disappeared, coolant temp in offoad pages seems to work. Carplay has connected every-time and very quickly, although on one occasion it indicated it was connected but was not actually so I was able to manually disconnect and reconnect. The clock in the status bar has disappeared a couple times but came back after a minute.

I don’t like how each time you enter the truck UC5 goes back to the apps page. Would prefer it to go back to where ever you left it. Also not sure about the very slightly updated look. The new borders are not doing it for me, it would be so easy to make the graphics amazing but getting the thing to actually work correct is, and should be the priority.
Nowhere did he state Jeeps in general don't have UConnect 5. That's a complete misrepresentation of what was said. He clearly stated Jeep Cherokees don't have Uconnect 5 which again is a 100% factual statement. Go build a Jeep Cherokee Limited like you originally stated your niece bought, and you will see Uconnect 5 is not an option. He didn't say Jeeps don't have Uconnect 5 or Jeep Grand Cherokees don't have Uconnect 5, he said the Jeep Cherokees don't have Uconnect 5. It's your mistake/misunderstanding for clearly saying your niece had a Jeep Cherokee, which was an incorrect statement
My intention was to identify Chrysler uses the UConnect5 in more than one type vehicle. Same System different vehicle. She's had her VEHICLE since May 2022 with zero problems with her UConnect5 System. I've had my 2022 VEHICLE since Jan 2022 with several problems. Both UConnect5 Systems seem to function somewhat identical (NOTICE I STATED SOMEWHAT).

Instead of beating up the poster, how about we use this Forum to better understand the in's and out's of what may be causing the system to malfunction. Why it works great in one vehicle yet problematic in others.
I’ve had my 2022 ram since May 2022 and have had every common issue you see on the forums. It all comes down to what features you use and where you live, I think a lot of the problems are due to interference. There are two small towns I can drive to and every time my phone will disconnect.
Was able to Update to S26.17 on Jan 1st. It didn't fix my TPMS, but I thought it may have fixed other problems. Haven't had it long enough to fully determine all the fixes available. I drove from Lynchburg, VA to Ohio today (Approx 300 miles with several stops in between) and everything seemed to work accordingly however, once I reached my hometown in OH the system started losing the spot where my music left off and wouldn't recognize my USB Music Drive. I have an appointment with my dealer tomorrow to run some test on the UConnect5 System regarding the TPMS. I'll update my findings in a future post.

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