A simple video of a thermometer in the various vents with the outside air temp display in view should be sufficient. Show them how the supplied air is only 50-60 instead of 35-40. (Or whatever it is....)
Those thermometers are only a couple of bucks.
The old "low on freon" thing is easy to say. (<- Hey, they may be right...hence the thermometer. Facts are better than feelings.)
They will take most anything you tell them with a grain of salt, enter the concern, and pass it to the techs to look in the books to make the determination.
While it can be frustrating I understand their process. I'm sure going to a doctor's appointment then telling the doctor what's wrong because you've been Google-ing your symptoms and doing research on WebMD would illicit the same response - "thank you for the input now let me make my own professional diagnosis please".
The only time they took me input into account (besides the complaint) were the pictures of my cracked rear window frame leaking when it was raining. They definitely did study the pictures and the back of my cab to verify that those were pictures from my truck though. I'm sure plenty of people try to slide things by them so they have to do their due diligence to validate the concern. The dealership is the one paying their salary, not me.
This TSB is pretty specific and I'm not sure why my dealership doesn't take it at face value. Other than this one issue (albeit a major one) my dealership has done right by me. As much as I'd like to push the issue they will be the ones taking care of me through 2026 with my Max Care ESP so I'm not looking to hang my hat on this and potentially sour the good relationship I have with the service team for the next 5 years.
How is it not going to happen when every other modern car on the road gets it done? Is Ram just incapable?
I'm not sure of the entire path from inception to production but I'm sure things get changed along the way without going back to the beginning. As things get changed (however minute) will add up over the process to a deviation that has not been evaluated and ends up in production.
The last year of a vehicle generation is much more operational (I would say reliable but that's not completely right) than the first year of it. There are planned changes (upgrades, additional features, more options, etc.) throughout the generation but there are also engineering and production improvements that are incorporated each year to enhance what's already there. The A/C blend door is one of them (production change starting for MY 2021).
Engineeering comes up with the perfect way to accomplish something, then integration figures out how to make it fit/work on the vehicle platform, then corporate figures out how much it's going to cost to build it that way, then tells integration to make it cost less by $XXX by using YYY instead of ZZZ. Then the truck gets made but because they modified a sensor location, used a smaller actuation motor, or whatever, which results in the feature not working as the engineering team originally envisioned it.
People start bringing their truck in for X, Y, and/or Z. When enough people have a specific issue then Stellantis takes notice and then decides whether there's an issue and if it's cheaper to just keep fixing it for whoever brings it in or to re-design it (new/updated part). After they decide that then they crunch the numbers and decide if it's worth the re-tooling cost to incorporate that into future production. The A/C issue is one of those that Stellantis decided it was a problem, to build new parts,
and update the production line.
That process is not a short one and to make that determination and put it on the production line in 2 years is pretty impressive. It just sucks for those of us that have a '19 or '20 with mediocre A/C. As time goes on, though, we will be an afterthought as 6, 7, 8 years into this generation we will be the minority instead the majority as we are now.
There's plenty of A/C complaints on threads around here but, in reality, we are but a handful of the hundreds of thousands of DT owner's that aren't complaining. 8 years from now we'll be a small spec of disappointment in the millions of DT owners. While we are complaining about a couple thousands dollars of work (give or take) Stellantis is looking at this in millions of dollars and how to save the most on a resolution (just like everyone trying to figure out where to go to get the best price on a new RAM).
Just my .03