Active Member
Good morning mark92a, your timing is impeccable. I've been communicating with Jimmy 07 in the background about this very thing, specifically the DVRM w/Trailer Mode, as the Owner's Manual as well as at least one YouTube call it.
As with you, I have the trailer camera connection point just left of centre on my back bumper, so the 12-pin is the bottom plug and the top is meant to take a Fakra-type connector. At Jimmy's suggestion(I don't know why I didn't think of this) I got under the truck to check for an actual wiring harness. The 12-pin has a harness connected to it, however there isn't a harness to the back side of the plug. It's all a bit confusing, but it is a typical Mother MOPAR scenario-identify/offer something but then don't follow through. Have you checked to see if there's a harness attached to the back side of the Fakra connector?
When you say that you push a button on the DVRM, is it on the right side or the left side of the actual lever that turns the CHMSL camera on? Also, have you pulled the DRVM cover off to see if there is only a single Fakra connector, or two? Can you please take a photo of the DVRM from a bit farther back than the one you've posted, this so that the whole mirror is shown.
Answers to these two questions may give us some idea of what's going on.
As with you, I have the trailer camera connection point
When you say that you push a button on the DVRM, is it on the right side or the left side of the actual lever that turns the CHMSL camera on? Also, have you pulled the DRVM cover off to see if there is only a single Fakra connector, or two? Can you please take a photo of the DVRM from a bit farther back than the one you've posted, this so that the whole mirror is shown.
Answers to these two questions may give us some idea of what's going on.