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Successfully Enabled OEM Remote Start

"Key Fob not detected." Then, "Push Button with Key Fob to Start."

The Docs say that the original Fobs should still work; they do not.

Anybody hit this issue?
Just swapped the old unit back in. No issues. Hmmm.

Hood ajar and tailgate ajar indicators work. That's cool.
Just swapped the old unit back in. No issues. Hmmm.

Hood ajar and tailgate ajar indicators work. That's cool.
Did a key program with Jscan and tested remote start with old hub. No go. Didn't think it work anyway.

Just went through attempting doing hub reset / replace using both alphaobd and jscan. Neither works. Have to be able to enter vehicle in Run mode to get code. Can't do it without programming keys to new hub.... Infinite loop of death.
Latest update:

As mentioned above, I programmed a key to the old RF hub just to test. It does start remotely only by installing the hood latch, using the old RF hub without antenna, and programming BCM for remote start. I can confirm that you do need to drive the truck... I read in OEM docs over 10 mph; I read in these threads over 30. I did go over 30.

So, what in the world is the new RF Hub with antenna for? App Start? I spent $300 for something I could have done with a $0.10 resistor and $40 key.

The only way to get that new hub to work is take it to service dept. Can someone explain to me the benefit of the antenna?
What are the options if any for a 2024 2500 that does not appear to have the hood latch connector.
What are the options if any for a 2024 2500 that does not appear to have the hood latch connector.
You'll have to check the BCM harness to see if there is a purple wire on pin 11 in the upper left plug (not sure if it's the same on 2500s, I have a 1500) - that is the hood latch sensor wire.

If you have it, you will just need:
  • T-Tap or a traditional in-line splicer,
  • 18GA wire,
  • a crimp kit with an O style end that you can crimp to the 18GA
and then ground it to something.

Note: there is a good chance the anti-theft is expecting a 1k ohm resistance on the wire you ground, you can find those on amazon as well.

What this does is essentially tell your BCM that your hood is closed, even if it is open. Be very careful if someone or something is in the engine bay and your kid decides to start your truck. It could be deadly.
If you have push button start AND the hood latch connector (you’ll have a light on your dash if your hood is open if so), you already have factory remote start. You simply need to turn the function on via AlfaOBD AND have a new key fob programmed to your truck that has the remote start button.
Can we program the fobs ourselves? My 22 has this on it but when I try to pull the pin it's saying it's not supported on alfaobd
If you have push button start AND the hood latch connector (you’ll have a light on your dash if your hood is open if so), you already have factory remote start. You simply need to turn the function on via AlfaOBD AND have a new key fob programmed to your truck that has the remote start button.
Does this hold true for 2500s? I would like to add remote start but I do not see any 2500s in this thread
I have 19 2500. The truck is deleted. Wanting to install oem remote start. Would the programming be effected when taken to dealer to do all the programming part. I can do all the installation of parts and such no problem. Just don't want tune messed with.
i have a 19 rebel but no hood latch witch. can i just buy one or ive seen talks of a resistor?
Just got my bypass harness today and changed the two settings with AlfaOBD. Getting the new fob programmed and cut on Friday.

Ended up having to watch a YouTube video on where to access the settings within Alfa but, still only took about 15 minutes.

Hopefully it all works once they the key is done. Would be a nice bonus feature to have in the winter.
Just got my bypass harness today and changed the two settings with AlfaOBD. Getting the new fob programmed and cut on Friday.

Ended up having to watch a YouTube video on where to access the settings within Alfa but, still only took about 15 minutes.

Hopefully it all works once they the key is done. Would be a nice bonus feature to have in the winter.
hopefully it works out for you. I still need to look into mine more. i dont have the hood latch in my rebel so not sure if i can still do it.
hopefully it works out for you. I still need to look into mine more. i dont have the hood latch in my rebel so not sure if i can still do it.
Locksmith wasn't able to get the new fob to program. His system recognized the new fob but every time he tried to program it, it kept returning "Programming failed". FCC IDs match between the new 5-button fob and original 3-button fob. He thought it was either the wrong fob or a "bad" fob.
Locksmith wasn't able to get the new fob to program. His system recognized the new fob but every time he tried to program it, it kept returning "Programming failed". FCC IDs match between the new 5-button fob and original 3-button fob. He thought it was either the wrong fob or a "bad" fob.
If the fob has been programmed to a different truck previously, it will not work. The fobs have to be brand new, never programmed to another vehicle.
If the fob has been programmed to a different truck previously, it will not work. The fobs have to be brand new, never programmed to another vehicle.
The one I bought was being sold/described as "new OEM". Ended up returning and buying from a different seller linked by @Jimmy07.
Confirmed 2022 ram 1500. I installed factory remote start kit from eBay. Also infotainment has lots of video how to install n programming used an autel k100 rolling pin has to have wifi 5 digit code n added the 2 new fobs for remote start. Also used alphaobd to set the hood pin n remote start enable. Used factory rf module did not program new 1 with kit. Will try later with alphaobd rf hub replace which will give longer range for remote .
Used this on my 24 1500 Rebel, had hood switch already, turned on options in Alfa OBD and bought new Fob, 2 locksmiths couldn't connect to the truck to program so went to ram dealer and they programed for me. They were really surprised when my non remote truck all of a sudden had remote start and remote tailgate release. Thanks for figuring this out and saving me a bunch of money

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