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Start of 2024 Production


Spends too much time on here
Jan 19, 2023
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You kidding, right? Your logic is full of holes...

I never said the work in the plants is easy (physically) or not challenging to some degree. What do I do? I work in finance with mathematical models. Physically challenging? - hardly. Requires a high level of education (MBA, CFA, PhD, etc.) and a higher level of acumen? Absolutely!

So to answer your question - Just like a brain surgeon, judge, astronauts, biochemist, etc. get paid top dollar for all the long years of education and grueling hours they had to put in order to be licensed and certified to do, so am I. I'm not trying to brag here or pretend I'm a better human being than any given UAW employee. I'm just trying to explain to you why some professions come with higher incomes. Are you really sitting here claiming a UAW employees is as valuable as a cancer researcher for example? How about a rocket scientist? Hedge fund manager?

Any able body can assemble cars. Not every able body can operate on a brain. You can teach an illegal immigrant how to stamp a piece of metal or assemble a car's dashboard. You can't teach mathematical models or aeronautic engineering to a guy off the street. There's a reason why different professions get paid differently. Otherwise, what's the incentive in going to college and busting my a55 for 6,7 or even 10 years, just to be paid the same as a high-school grad? Where's the incentive to dump a 5hitload of money and waste years, or even DECADES in education just to end up getting paid minimum wage? Or put the other way around - why bust my *** studying for years, when the high school dropout UAW worker will end up making just as me?

And speaking of minimum wage - UAW personnel get paid WELL ABOVE minimum wage.... better yet, try comparing them to a non-UAW assembly line worker... Toyota? Mercedes? how much their guys are getting paid?!? Give me a break!

I'm not claiming the UAW has been treated fairly by the big three. I'm not claiming some of their demands are not justified (healthcare, permanent vs. temp, tiers, COLA, retirement, etc.). But when it comes to hourly pay, to claim you want a 46% increase in your income AND work only 32 hours a week (laughable), is utter comedy! This is America! You want to work 32 hours a week? Go live in France... Show me one CEO who works 32 hours a week.... what a joke.

CEOs get compensated for their education, long career, and the cooperate ladder they climbed to get to where they are. If UAW workers want the same pay increase rate as that of a CEO then they should become CEOs themselves. Get their a55es back to school, go through the rigorous long educational path, work hard in corporate America, climb the corporate ladder, and then become a CEO of company themselves one day. Until then, if all they did was finish high school (some didn't even manage to do that) and never bothered to better themselves educationally to take on a more intellectually challenging career, they can't and shouldn't expect to be compensated like those who did. Not in this country. The UAW's approach is communist in nature - the collective should make the same, regardless if all he does is mount wheels on a new truck, or has a corner office and calls the shots. That doesn't work in a capitalistic system. If you want something in life, you need to work for it - not through whining and striking, but through education and hard work!

I can't believe I actually have to explain something as rudimentary as this to an adult. That's the type of conversation I have from time to time with my slacker youngest son.... You want to get somewhere in life? You have to work for it! Get your grades in shape!
Finance. Anybody with a calculator. That should be a minimum wage job.


Happy Ram Owner
Aug 25, 2021
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southwest. where majority rules
"Hard labor" and "skilled labor" are two different things. I have laborers who do "hard" work and they're the lowest-paid people on the jobsite - it's generally the kind of work that anyone could do (like sweeping, shoveling, etc.). "Skilled" labor is a different thing, and that's what commands higher pay.
So, what about an average assembly-line worker commands the kind of pay that corresponds with "skilled labor"? I'm sure everyone needs a certain amount of training to do the job. But do you need 10 years of experience, and advanced skills to install seats on the line? Probably not. I would guess that a 16 year old kid who just quit his job at McDonalds could probably do that work.
tour a plant and come back with an educated answer.


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2018
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Finance. Anybody with a calculator. That should be a minimum wage job.

Right. Brain surgery. Anybody with a knife. That should also be minimum wage job as well... :poop: (y)

...Great logic 🤦‍♂️

Let it go dude, you're way over your head.
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Moderator / Dream Killer
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Jun 8, 2021
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tour a plant and come back with an educated answer.
I don't need to...I've seen enough:



Active Member
Aug 9, 2023
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@Ready Go ... Just talked to my salesperson and my truck has been in JB status since 9/6.. but then said it also says "Available To Ship out".. whatever that means.

Ready Go

Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2023
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@Ready Go ... Just talked to my salesperson and my truck has been in JB status since 9/6.. but then said it also says "Available To Ship out".. whatever that means.
We've both been at "Body Vendor" (JB status) since 9/06. Today I got notified that my truck is "Built" (KZ status)...I am certain that you are too, but haven't been notified yet of that fact. I'm thinking we are both going to get a "Shipped" update tomorrow or Friday, maybe even Saturday..there is a day or two lag from each stage change to us being notified. As long as our trucks get to the Storage for Shipping lot, we're safe. Hopefully, I'm not full of sh*t!!😳😅

Ready Go

Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2023
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@Ready Go ... Just talked to my salesperson and my truck has been in JB status since 9/6.. but then said it also says "Available To Ship out".. whatever that means.
Have you rechecked the Trackers?
Yours has to a back at the Sterling Heights plant with mine..and both are "Available To Ship Out". Your "Built" update hasn't caught up yet.👍


Active Member
Aug 9, 2023
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Have you rechecked the Trackers?
Yours has to a back at the Sterling Heights plant with mine..and both are "Available To Ship Out". Your "Built" update hasn't caught up yet.👍
I have.. both still say in Production. The dealer I would think would have the most up to date status... so I think I am still at the Body Vendor.

Ready Go

Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2023
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I have.. both still say in Production. The dealer I would think would have the most up to date status... so I think I am still at the Body Vendor.
My dealer told me they use a "vintracker" updater, but that there really aren't any reliable updates/updaters..even they don't/can't get true pinpoint ideas of where orders are. I bet yours is further than you've been told. You're gonna get a notification in the morning..check Jeep at ~7am cst (8am your time).


Happy Ram Owner
Aug 25, 2021
Reaction score
southwest. where majority rules
I don't need to...I've seen enough:

those who sit behind their mahogany desks and just rely on public posts are blind to the facts.
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Spends too much time on here
Jan 19, 2023
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Mine says shipped. Dealer says it hasn't moved. Updates aren't very accurate.


  • WindowSticker_2024.pdf
    96.9 KB · Views: 10
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Ready Go

Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2023
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Mine says shipped. Dealer says it hasn't moved. Updates aren't very accurate.
'Your has shipped, but dealer says hasn't moved'..I imagine that means it's being moved to the Shipping lot..technically, still there AND shipped (or waiting to be picked up)🤔🤗
My 2023 was loaded on a transporter at 1:06 AM so these guys must go around the clock!!
How many days did it take from "Built" to "Shipped" for you? Want to know as a guage for mine. I need mine to move to the Shipping lot before midnight tonight to avoid being stalled by any strikes..but the Tracker lag means that even if it does, I probably won't know if it has until Saturday.
Mine says "Built" on 9/12 on Ram & Jeep Trackers. Jeep says Window Sticker not available yet. Ram has link to Window Sticker showing, but when I click it, it downloads, but then when opened it says not available..I remember on my 2023 that it took a day or two for the download to actually show a Window Sticker.
These Trackers are notoriously inaccurate and lag by a day or two at best.
Ram hasn't even sent me a text or email yet that my truck has been "Built"! I found that myself from the Jeep Tracker and then by going through my Ram Tracker from the "In Production" email from 9/01..ugh!


Moderator / Dream Killer
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Jun 8, 2021
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Mine says shipped. Dealer says it hasn't moved. Updates aren't very accurate.
The existence of a window sticker means that it is released for shipping. Whether it has actually moved to a different location yet or not, only the dealer can tell. If he says it hasn't moved then it hasn't moved...assuming, of course, that he's using the tracking system to look it up. Dealers can see every leg of the shipping process.

Ready Go

Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2023
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The existence of a window sticker means that it is released for shipping. Whether it has actually moved to a different location yet or not, only the dealer can tell. If he says it hasn't moved then it hasn't moved...assuming, of course, that he's using the tracking system to look it up. Dealers can see every leg of the shipping process.
Curious about your thoughts/insights...
Jeep & Ram Trackers today both say a Window Sticker is available for my 2024 Laramie G/T, but neither will pull up the actual Window Sticker yet (Built 9/12).
My 2023 Laramie G/T order in May shipped to Chicago's holding yard by truck transporter, and sat there for 6 weeks before showing up suddenly in Wisconsin. My dealer at the time said there is NO tracking at all of truck transporters.
My dealer says they don't see every step..or even many steps.
Thoughts?? I think we'd all love more detailed info through the order process, but maybe that's just not possible(?).

Ready Go

Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2023
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I have.. both still say in Production. The dealer I would think would have the most up to date status... so I think I am still at the Body Vendor.
Any update for you this morning through the Trackers?


Moderator / Dream Killer
Staff member
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Jun 8, 2021
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Curious about your thoughts/insights...
Jeep & Ram Trackers today both say a Window Sticker is available for my 2024 Laramie G/T, but neither will pull up the actual Window Sticker yet (Built 9/12).
My 2023 Laramie G/T order in May shipped to Chicago's holding yard by truck transporter, and sat there for 6 weeks before showing up suddenly in Wisconsin. My dealer at the time said there is NO tracking at all of truck transporters.
My dealer says they don't see every step..or even many steps.
Thoughts?? I think we'd all love more detailed info through the order process, but maybe that's just not possible(?).
I can pull up your window sticker, so it definitely exists. You are probably having problems with it because you tried to view it before it was published, and now your computer is using the cached version instead of the new version. Clear your cache and try again, or try using a different server (instead of ramtrucks, use jeep/chrysler/dodge/fiatusa).

I can't speak for truck transport - your dealer may be correct in saying there's no tracking on that. But for rail transport, your dealer should be able to pull up something like this. This example is from my truck.


Ready Go

Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2023
Reaction score
I can pull up your window sticker, so it definitely exists. You are probably having problems with it because you tried to view it before it was published, and now your computer is using the cached version instead of the new version. Clear your cache and try again, or try using a different server (instead of ramtrucks, use jeep/chrysler/dodge/fiatusa).

I can't speak for truck transport - your dealer may be correct in saying there's no tracking on that. But for rail transport, your dealer should be able to pull up something like this. This example is from my truck.
THANKS for the insight!
I'll try clearing the cache and try downloading the Window Sticker again.👍

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