Here’s how it was explained to me. The noise cancellation system and the modules are working against each other. The modules are activating when they aren’t supposed to and when that happens the noise cancellation system is sending a signal through the speakers that is almost like a vibration. So he claims between the mass modules shaking at the wrong time and the false signal through the noise cancellation system, it’s causing the vibration. Look through all the responses on this thread, guys have changed tires, wheels , did lifts, changed suspension and it’s still there. I myself have had tires road force balanced , rotated and still was there. It wasn’t till my dealer had it a week that the tech found the info. Like I said in my earlier post, mine has basically stopped. Once in awhile it will do it briefly and it’s always the same, between 53-65. Maybe my tech is blowing smoke but at this point I’m believing him.