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SHOCKING: Meet The All-New Ram 1500 REV Battery-Electric Pickup!

here is another curve ball thrown into the mix in our beautiful state of CA
Hardly any single family homes are being sold in my area - almost every single home is being turn into a 4 or 6 unit building if the lot is big enough
A new law pass that allows new developments to either provide less parking space or no parking space so now even if you lived in a new apartment with an upgraded panel if you can't even park in your own home - how are you gonna charge there and keep your cost down - lol
That has nothing to do with the topic of putting a charger in a HOUSE.
Fuse boxes were phased out starting in the 1960’s so yeah, I guess there could be a few of them out there still.

I started wiring houses a little over 32 yrs ago and even then to find a fuse box was a novelty.

Our current house would be dead simple. The meter base has a 6 position breaker panel built in. I put 200 Amps to the house, 100 Amps to my workshop and still have 2 spots open to add a level 2 charger right beside the garage door. Install would take less than an hour.

For those doing math and looking to correct me, google, “demand factor calculations” before commenting please.

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lots of older homes in L.A. county - my home was built in 1920's and upgraded my panel 2 years ago,
Even for people that want to go EV is not as easy. high prices, older homes or apartment living, lack of charging stations, higher insurance
and the fear of not being able to identified your tesla from the rest of the herd lol
Being able to pick your car out of the rest of the herd is an issue no matter what power source propels your car. I give my wife **** all the time when she gets upset because I don't see if I pass her on the road. She has a dark gray Chevy Traverse which is what most Chevy Traverses on the road are. Dark gray or black. Lots of silver cars around of the same brand model as well. Just the other day I was at a stop light and there were three almost identical cars at the same light. Two of the were the same brand, model, color. Had same wheels as well.
here is another curve ball thrown into the mix in our beautiful state of CA
Hardly any single family homes are being sold in my area - almost every single home is being turn into a 4 or 6 unit building if the lot is big enough
A new law pass that allows new developments to either provide less parking space or no parking space so now even if you lived in a new apartment with an upgraded panel if you can't even park in your own home - how are you gonna charge there and keep your cost down - lol

This is a great point to bring up because honestly, these types of dense population designs are the new city model and whom I see as the target buyers of EV’s.

Maybe the future grid looks like parking meters every so many feet along all city streets, only with pay as you go charging ports instead of meters.

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This is a great point to bring up because honestly, these types of dense population designs are the new city model and whom I see as the target buyers of EV’s.

Maybe the future grid looks like parking meters every so many feet along all city streets, only with pay as you go charging ports instead of meters.

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This is what I was thinking for apartments/town homes. Assigned parking spots with charging stations at each spot. A pin number or chip enabled card to activate the charging and the cost gets added to rent, or you have to set up a credit/debit card linked to the account
Being able to pick your car out of the rest of the herd is an issue no matter what power source propels your car. I give my wife **** all the time when she gets upset because I don't see if I pass her on the road. She has a dark gray Chevy Traverse which is what most Chevy Traverses on the road are. Dark gray or black. Lots of silver cars around of the same brand model as well. Just the other day I was at a stop light and there were three almost identical cars at the same light. Two of the were the same brand, model, color. Had same wheels as well.
honestly I think Tesla takes up a notch - if I had one, the first day it would get wrap
This is a great point to bring up because honestly, these types of dense population designs are the new city model and whom I see as the target buyers of EV’s.

Maybe the future grid looks like parking meters every so many feet along all city streets, only with pay as you go charging ports instead of meters.

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But there is definitely a the lack of proposal and ideas from the city leaders on infrastructure and such to match the push into the EV's
I think that is clear in my opinion
Anyone who wants to put out the money for the ridiculous costs of EV cars, its your choice. But now we have politicians pushing the EV's, as they are the answer to mankind, which actually pollute more than oil or emissions of gasoline. Soon they will mandate, and remember this post, the manufacturer's to stop producing gas burning vehicles, then not allowing the registration of previous purchased gas vehicles. EV fires are wicked compared to gasoline powered vehicles.

I'm not going to do all the searching finding the video's of apartment structures, parking garages and burning nearby vehicles, as the arc flash fire, which is what it is, totally engulf others properties that have no choice in the fact that someone thinks EV's are the answer to mankind, that burned yours up. The videos and stories are easy to find with Chinese EV's, because they have the most registered EV's in the world.

Gear ratios, I thought the 100% electric EV's have direct drive motors and is why they are so fast.
here is another curve ball thrown into the mix in our beautiful state of CA
Hardly any single family homes are being sold in my area - almost every single home is being turn into a 4 or 6 unit building if the lot is big enough
A new law pass that allows new developments to either provide less parking space or no parking space so now even if you lived in a new apartment with an upgraded panel if you can't even park in your own home - how are you gonna charge there and keep your cost down - lol
It seems like states like yours don’t want people to own anything. Lease and rent for life, and never have any equity of your own. Guess it’s easier for the govt to control folks this way idk
Anyone who wants to put out the money for the ridiculous costs of EV cars, its your choice. But now we have politicians pushing the EV's, as they are the answer to mankind, which actually pollute more than oil or emissions of gasoline. Soon they will mandate, and remember this post, the manufacturer's to stop producing gas burning vehicles, then not allowing the registration of previous purchased gas vehicles. EV fires are wicked compared to gasoline powered vehicles.

I'm not going to do all the searching finding the video's of apartment structures, parking garages and burning nearby vehicles, as the arc flash fire, which is what it is, totally engulf others properties that have no choice in the fact that someone thinks EV's are the answer to mankind, that burned yours up. The videos and stories are easy to find with Chinese EV's, because they have the most registered EV's in the world.

Gear ratios, I thought the 100% electric EV's have direct drive motors and is why they are so fast.
EV’s can help in places densely populated, and smoggy. You have to have the infrastructure for it tho.

Alot of it is smoke and mirrors too. The ones pushing for it have big tech donors who they promised to give kick backs to.

In order for an EV to be greener than an ice vehicle, you have to keep the EV for like 300k miles to offset the carbon penalty from making the ev in the first place.

They don’t tell you that part when making you feel good about saving the planet.
City driving makes sense for EV's, if you can get by the cost and fires created. This is a common scenario, EV has a slight fender bender with no major damage, later that night the two slightly damaged battery cells short together, then instantly short causing an Arc Flash fire, which is technically an explosion.

With the last scenario, any fender bender should require the isolation of the EV's involved.
City driving makes sense for EV's, if you can get by the cost and fires created. This is a common scenario, EV has a slight fender bender with no major damage, later that night the two slightly damaged battery cells short together, then instantly short causing an Arc Flash fire, which is technically an explosion.

With the last scenario, any fender bender should require the isolation of the EV's involved.
Your definition of common, and other peoples definition of common seem different
Remember, every single negative concern about EV's, posted in this thread, was said about ICE engines at one time. But yet here they are...more common now than common sense itself.
Remember, every single negative concern about EV's, posted in this thread, was said about ICE engines at one time. But yet here they are...more common now than common sense itself.
People complained it took 30 minutes to hours to fill their gas tank?
ICE, (Internal Combustion Engine) is that the new term for gas powered engines, like Unhoused Individuals are actually homeless people, and undocumented workers are actually illegals that have sneaked into our country. Acronyms and cute little phrases sure help the liberals make their points. Give me a 426 Hemi any day rather than a electric car. ;)

I can just hear it now over the news broadcast, "An electrical compromised auto burned up a family of five last night, but the carbon footprint was minimal because they managed to save the environmentally friendly EV batteries from polluting the ground water, from the firefighters using water to put out the fire."
People complained it took 30 minutes to hours to fill their gas tank?
I can just see it now, the first ICE auto being filled by a hand pump from a barrel of gasoline. "Gee Jethro how are we going to pump that fuel on our way to Hollywood."

Yes the EV is in its infancy, but its a technology that should be developed by smart engineers, not politicians telling the engineers not to worry about fallacies of the current technologies. We'll just mandate them in so you can't be sued when your EV burns up an apartment building. :rolleyes:
I can just see it now, the first ICE auto being filled by a hand pump from a barrel of gasoline. "Gee Jethro how are we going to pump that fuel on our way to Hollywood."

Yes the EV is in its infancy, but its a technology that should be developed by smart engineers, not politicians telling the engineers not to worry about fallacies of the current technologies. We'll just mandate them in so you can't be sued when your EV burns up an apartment building. :rolleyes:
Electric "cars" and gasoline powered ICE "cars" have been around since the 1800's. Neither is in its infancy. Gasoline was and is easier to make available even in remote areas. It's affordable, although that's becoming less and less true. And replenishing the fuel supply is fast. It makes more sense to go with a liquid fuel than electricity for so many reasons. If electric cars were as convenient and practical there would have been more demand for them before now. Horse and buggy comparisons are ridiculous. It's nowhere near the same thing.

Eventually we will hopefully get there as far as charging stations go. But we're nowhere near there now or in the next 10 years. For now we can still purchase and drive ICE powered vehicles. And I'll continue to do so for as long as it makes sense for me. I seriously hope lawmakers and the courts in the near future come to their senses and pull back these mandates. Otherwise we may necessarily have to go back to the horse and buggy days or take up cycling and walking to get around, because the mayor/governor/president said not to charge your electric car that particular day in order to avoid a black out.

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