Its happened to me with two consecutive '19's. A few months ago, dealer and FCA had no idea how to fix and gives new tranny as a fix. Now, I have another '19 and less than 3 weeks into ownership, the same thing happened. Low and behold, FCA and dealer can't pinpoint issue again and I can only assume FCA will recommend another new tranny. This is potentially a very dangerous issue, and alarming that dealers/FCA have no idea how to fix. Like yourself, I have had mostly Lexus/Toyota vehicles and been accustomed to stellar build quality. The fact that this issue has happened to me twice, and the fact that I have many other quality issues mentioned in earlier threads, I am done with Ram. It's simply mind boggling how these trucks are being stamped as "acceptable" at the plant and released for sale. There is NO WAY someone didn't see some/all of my defects (on both trucks), and reassures me that the "passing" standards at the SHAP is absurdly low. They should be sued for putting vehicles on the road with the worst quality control/build quality I've ever seen yet asking a premium price for them. Ultimately, it's my fault for even trying an FCA product with historically horrible ratings. I am the only FCA owner out of all of my friends, family, colleagues. They thought I was a fool for buying one Ram truck, and now you can only imagine the butt chewing I take for buying another and giving FCA a second chance. Both purchases have blown up in my face, and Ram fooled me twice, but they will not fool me a third time.