I completely removed the AGS yesterday, left the motor plugged in. No CEL's yet. I had already installed a 190 thermostat, but the shutters were still trying to achieve 203+ degrees so the truck would run at 190-192 when moving but creep up to 215 when not moving, at that point the fan would come on and bring it back down to 203. I had my tuner adjust the fan temps so now it runs between 190 and 203 depending on airflow over the radiator. No more 215 to 220+ when stuck in traffic!
The AGS temps are not tunable, that is why they need to be removed or partially removed to get good results from a thermostat change. Also when the shutters are closed they are blocking the stock air intake. Also I have heard that the Vararam intakes do better with at least some of the shutters removed from the top.
I am running a Gates 190 degree thermostat from Rock Auto, there are more choices than just 180 or 203 degrees. 180 seemed to low for me up here in the great white north! Heat was still fine last winter with the 190.
There is flexible shrouding christmas tree clipped on the sides and bottom of the AGS, I left that in place on the truck. It keeps all the air coming in the grill going through the radiator or into the air intake. Used gorilla duct tape on the side shrouds to attach it to the radiator overflow bottle and windshield washer bottle. Used 4 zip ties on the bottom shroud to attach the front of the shroud to the crossmember it is laying on.
Some good posts/videos:
AGS removal-
Active Grill Shutter Removal
Grille removal (with fender flares)-
Headlight removal
Good video (no fender flares)-