I finally bit the bullet and took the front of my 2020 Ram 1500 apart, in order to get to the AGS. It was a painful 45-50 minutes. First, you have to remove a whole bunch (maybe 20 or so) of fasteners and bolts on the radiator plastic top cover, and just below the cover. You can now remove the plastic side-to-side cover, and the bolts will free up the grill on the top end. Then, you have to remove (or peel back) the front wheel well covers on both sides - just enough to get to one bolt on each side which holds the "wrap around the corner" facia in place. I actually removed the front wheels to make this easier. Then when you have that bolt out from each side, you have to release the facia from the wheel well side (tricky) and fold it out towards the front/center. If you're lucky, you can snap it out of place (from the grill) without breaking the plastic tabs. Another way to proceed is just to hold the facia out about 3" so that you can gain access to 3 more bolts that have to be removed from each side of the grill. (for some reason the standard bolts are like 3 times longer than they need to be so this will take a few minutes per bolt). Then you can remove the grill, with the facia hanging on to the grill (safest way, but exercise caution). At that point, you'll be staring at the AGS. I removed all of the blades other than the middle (which is now the "drive" blade on my 5th gen), and one on the top and one on the bottom of the AGS. Then I put everything back together (CAREFUL with the facia) again, in reverse order. Total job 1.5-2.0 hours first time through. If it wasn't for the facia, and the challenge removing them, this would be a SIMPLE job.
Interesting tidbit -- With the truck OFF, keys in the house, there is power to the AGS. When I would move the blades by hand, the motor would turn on a few seconds later, and return the blades to their home position.
So far, about 3 weeks now, my water temps will hover around 203 degrees, then drop down to 196 or so when the thermostat opens, and kind of bounces back and forth between those two temps. I have NOT seen the high temps (220+), which I frequently saw prior to the AGS mod that I did.