Active Member
I have had RAMBOXES on my 2010 Laramie, 2016 Limited and my coming 2019 Limited. They are outstanding as they make it so easy to walk up to and remove tools, jackets, camping gear, act as a cooler etc. I have construction tools in my ramboxes and it save me from having to jump into the bed of the truck for a separate toolbox. Also, I do not agree that any real value space is lost because only odds and ends can go on each side of the wheel well. I carry 4X8 sheets, vanities, toilets, cabinetry, lumber, tile, flooring andnever have the RAMBOXES interfered with my ability to laoad anything, to the contrary, it is nice to have space that it all usable with tools kept outside in the RAMBOXES wher eyou really need them. I 100% support everyone who buys a RAM to look closely at the RAMBOXES as for me it is part of my RAM and would not order ever without them. Think of them as a trunk on a car,