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Do you read your own posts? I'm quite sure "saying the same thing over and over" describes yours perfectly.

Remember the context for all this; a user posts a thread "pedal commander bites the dust" in which he describes his pretty bad experience, you coming along and vehemently denying there are issues with it ("you have no scientific evidence"), over and over again, and still trying to recommend it. Numerous posts saying "it's a dead horse" and "I let it go a long time ago" yet here we are day(s) later.

I changed my mind.

Says the guy who compares people to Hemorrhoids. But yeah, you sure know how to class up a forum, I'm taking notes!
People see you for who and what you are. I'll leave it at that and let the members on this forum make up up their own minds. You're just out looking for a fight and I'm not giving you one any longer. Enjoy your truck.
What I learned from this thread is that "no good deed goes unpunished."

@securityguy thanks for taking the time to post your findings.

I don't have a PC, but enjoy learning about stuff.

You need to know the context of this thread; start here:

I'm not going to rehash everything a second time.
People see you for who and what you are. I'll leave it at that and let the members on this forum make up up their own minds. You're just out looking for a fight and I'm not giving you one any longer. Enjoy your truck.

The difference between your posts and mine, is that I'm trying to make sure everyone knows these devices are dangerous. I'm not worried about what people are thinking of me. I can definitely be obnoxious so I don't see how this particular discussion is going to change anybody's mind of me one way or the other, nor do I care.
Thank you @securityguy for taking the time to contact PC and relay your conversation in detail. As a potential PC customer, it's nice to have additional information in which I can make a more informed decision.
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You need to know the context of this thread; start here:

I'm not going to rehash everything a second time.

I had already read some of that thread. I still appreciate the time that @securityguy took to call and document what he discussed with the PC folks.

I stand by my comment that no good deed goes unpunished, and that applies to your perspective, as well. I appreciate what you're saying in how the Banks version differs.

It's all new knowledge for me, as we didn't have pedal commanders in the F150. Our tuners played with those PIDs in the custom tunes. Some would make it into a binary hair trigger. Others would make it just a bit more aggressive than stock, and some wouldn't do anything at all.
I have neither and do not intend on getting one, but I think I would prefer a failsafe that reverts back to stock rather than an RPM surge.
The facts are: users have unintended acceleration, no acceleration, limp mode, being stuck in (say) 3rd gear even after power cycle, christmas lights on the dash. Those are the facts. Regardless of whatever lines you were fed on the phone, the facts and user reports show that it's a bad product.
A CEO trying to save face is understandable, but those are not facts that he described.

The facts that I know are exactly what silver billet described here and have happened to me at the very least 5 times. The first time it happens it is scary for sure. The next time is a surprise and a pain in the ***. I still use mine, but I do think it could be dangerous at the wrong time like doing 80mph and trying to change lanes.

To each their own, but I do have a pedal monster on order and will put my pedal commander up for sale to a willing participant.
You could have bought mine, lol, I'm thinking of selling it. This whole uh, "discussion", got me nervous again.
Bought one to play around with so I could have a first hand experience with it. Weather permitting, I'll toss it in on Saturday.
Youtube review it and the PC....Make the comparison
Of course you're not looking to debate, you just want to post your opinion and be never questioned :rolleyes: That's not how a public forum works. You've posted at least 4+ times now between the 2 threads, telling us your opinion over and over and yet each time saying "I'm done" or "I don't want to argue" or "it's a dead horse". But it's only a dead horse after you've had the opportunity to state your opinion, and you try desperately to get us to move on after that... you only want it to end when you think you've had the last word. This has all the signs to me, that it is more about you trying to save face, than it is about the product itself. Some people just don't have what it takes to say "I'm sorry, I was wrong".

To everyone else, I suggest you do your own research, and throw the thing in the trash. There are multiple reports of this thing causing problems, just google it or watch a few youtube videos or search some of the forums. The data is out there, and it's not just RAM/FCA though they seem to be getting hit harder, GM guys (for example) have had the same issue.

And yes this is my last post.
I agree with you 100 percent!
I agree with you 100 percent!
Of course you do. Just as we're all just starting to get along and singing the happy song as @jimchi has us all singing from post #26, you have to do this^^^ You're like the kid in the high school play that could never get his timing right and always came in at the wrong moment. You crack me up 🤣 😂 🤣 😂 🤣

P.S. You may want to take PEDAL COMMANDER out of your signature line ;)
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