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Legendary member
Feb 17, 2019
Reaction score
North Florida
For those that have a Pedal Commander and are interested in hearing what they have to say related to the post created about a members PC "biting the dust", I spent over 30 minutes yesterday speaking with the CEO and owner of the company (who is an engineer himself) about the issues that a very few have posted on this forum. He was generous with his time so that I could better understand the product and its operation and what I should convey to forum members that may be concerned. This is what I learned during my conversation:

1. The PC was designed in 2011
2. Several software updates have been done over the years to enhance the units performance
3. The PC07 and the PC78 are the same identical unit electronically
4. The difference between the two is only software as PC introduced additional vehicle compatibility in the PC78 and eliminated the PC07 sku (has ZERO impact on RAM owners as to what unit you have)
5. The PC requires only 11mA of current off of the accelerator circuit (that is .011A) and that there is PLENTY of headroom current that the installation of the PC has ZERO effect on the PC's ability to operate effectively and consistently without issue and that the current draw is consistent and does not vary with use so the current does not increase based on the pressing of the accelerator pedal
6. The PC does have a failsafe, but not as you would expect. It was designed so that if the PC goes south, or the accelerator circuit senses an issue, the DEFAULT mode of all manufacturers drive by wire system is to automatically increase the vehicle RPM to between 2-3K...NOT disable the accelerator pedal. This increase in RPM allows the user to get the vehicle of the road safely. He stated that a simple test of what will truly happen if the PC was to fail, or any other device connected to an accelerator pedal or if the vehicles drive by wire system failed, have the truck running and unplug the pedal connector from the pedal. You should see the RPM increase automatically. By use of the vehicles brake and the ability to place the vehicle in NEUTRAL, you can get off the road safely and then shut down the vehicle. Apparently, this is a requirement of all manufacturers to have this as a failsafe on all drive by wire vehicles
7. If you call PC at 805-365-1010 and provide them with your serial number on the back of your unit, they will push a Bluetooth update at no charge to the app on your phone (the updates are serial number dependent). The next time you connect to the PC, it will alert you that you have an update that you can then initiate. I did mine and it took no more than about 15 seconds
8. He stated that anyone that has experienced any issues can and should either perform the update or send the unit back for a full evaluation
9. As was discussed in another thread, you should NEVER adjust the PC while depressing the accelerator pedal as this will confuse the ECU and could cause the accelerator to no longer be recognized
10. In closing, we also discussed the Banks video. He laughed and stated that he and his engineers watched that video and how the testing was performed. He commented that the PC would not act in the way Banks video showed as the vehicle, by design by most all vehicle manufacturers, will cause an increase in RPM so the vehicle can get off the road safely with acceleration to do so...not kill the pedal from operating
11. His final comment is that if anyone has an accelerator pedal completely die, that is not a PC issue, but an issue with your vehicles pedal circuit. Yes, unplugging the PC and the connections in general will reset the vehicle so that all idiot lights will go out and the pedal will, once again, function as normal. However, that does not mean that your issues is completely resolved.

Please understand that I am not providing this detail to change anyones mind or opinion. As an engineer, my curiosity compelled me to better understand the issues and provide members that have a PC with the knowledge to make a more educated decision. I suggest that all PC users contact PC and request that the latest update be provided in your app for download into your unit. It will provide enhancements to how the unit performs as all manufactures are always tweaking their software, but this update does not change the design of how it functions.

If you still feel uncomfortable with your unit, just like with anything that has given you angst, you can simply remove it and call it a day. For those that have them, and have been extremely pleased as most all of us, get the update and continue to enjoy your PC.

As my final word on what I presented above, I am not looking to debate anyone on this topic. There was more than enough stated in the "bite the dust" thread. This is ONLY to share what I have learned from speaking with the owner and designer of the product and get a perspective of how it should perform and what will happen if anything connected to a drive by wire pedal was to fail. I completely understand that there will be some that will state that what I have learned either doesn't make sense or cannot be correct. You make your own decision related to buying one or not buying one, or taking yours out and replacing it with another brand. JUST DO WHAT MAKES YOU FEEL BEST:)
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For those that have a Pedal Commander and are interested in hearing what they have to say related to the post created about a members PC "biting the dust", I spent over 30 minutes yesterday speaking with the CEO and owner of the company (who is an engineer himself) about the issues that a very few have posted on this forum. He was generous with his time so that I could better understand the product and its operation and what I should convey to forum members that may be concerned. This is what I learned during my conversation:

1. The PC was designed in 2011
2. Several software updates have been done over the years to enhance the units performance
3. The PC07 and the PC78 are the same identical unit electronically
4. The difference between the two is only software as PC introduced additional vehicle compatibility in the PC78 and eliminated the PC07 sku (has ZERO impact on RAM owners as to what unit you have)
5. The PC requires only 11mA of current off of the accelerator circuit (that is .011A) and that there is PLENTY of headroom current that the installation of the PC has ZERO effect on the PC's ability to operate effectively and consistently without issue and that the current draw is consistent and does not vary with use so the current does not increase based on the pressing of the accelerator pedal
6. The PC does have a failsafe, but not as you would expect. It was designed so that if the PC goes south, or the accelerator circuit senses an issue, the DEFAULT mode of all manufacturers drive by wire system is to automatically increase the vehicle RPM to between 2-3K...NOT disable the accelerator pedal. This increase in RPM allows the user to get the vehicle of the road safely. He stated that a simple test of what will truly happen if the PC was to fail, or any other device connected to an accelerator pedal or if the vehicles drive by wire system failed, have the truck running and unplug the pedal connector from the pedal. You should see the RPM increase automatically. By use of the vehicles brake and the ability to place the vehicle in NEUTRAL, you can get off the road safely and then shut down the vehicle. Apparently, this is a requirement of all manufacturers to have this as a failsafe on all drive by wire vehicles
7. If you call PC at 805-365-1010 and provide them with your serial number on the back of your unit, they will push a Bluetooth update at no charge to the app on your phone (the updates are serial number dependent). The next time you connect to the PC, it will alert you that you have an update that you can then initiate. I did mine and it took no more than about 15 seconds
8. He stated that anyone that has experienced any issues can and should either perform the update or send the unit back for a full evaluation
9. As was discussed in another thread, you should NEVER adjust the PC while depressing the accelerator pedal as this will confuse the ECU and could cause the accelerator to no longer be recognized
10. In closing, we also discussed the Banks video. He laughed and stated that he and his engineers watched that video and how the testing was performed. He commented that the PC would not act in the way Banks eating showed as the vehicle, by design by most all vehicle manufacturers, will cause an increase in RPM so the vehicle can get off the road safely with acceleration to do so...not kill the pedal from operating
11. His final comment is that if anyone has an accelerator pedal completely die, that is not a PC issue, but an issue with your vehicles pedal circuit. Yes, unplugging the PC and the connections in general will reset the vehicle so that all idiot lights will go out and the pedal will, once again, function as normal. However, that does not mean that your issues is completely resolved.

Please understand that I am not providing this detail to change anyones mind or opinion. As an engineer, my curiosity compelled me to better understand the issues and provide members that have a PC with the knowledge to make a more educated decision. I suggest that all PC users contact PC and request that the latest update be provided in your app for download into your unit. It will provide enhancements to how the unit performs as all manufactures are always tweaking their software, but this update does not change the design of how it functions.

If you still feel uncomfortable with your unit, just like with anything that has given you angst, you can simply remove it and call it a day. For those that have them, and have been extremely pleased as most all of us, get the update and continue to enjoy your PC.

As my final word on what I presented above, I am not looking to debate anyone on this topic. There was more than enough stated in the "bite the dust" thread. This is ONLY to share what I have learned from speaking with the owner and designer of the product and get a perspective of how it should perform and what will happen if anything connected to a drive by wire pedal was to fail. I completely understand that there will be some that will state that what I have learned either doesn't make sense or cannot be correct. You make your own decision related to buying one or not buying one, or taking yours out and replacing it with another brand. JUST DO WHAT MAKES YOU FEEL BEST:)
Great write-up. Thanks for taking the time to research this.

While I felt all along that there wasn’t anything wrong with PC, and never intended to get rid of mine out due to my experience with flawless operation, this should alleviate some folks knee jerk reactions on the other thread (or not).

Thanks again,
Wow, you really like that PC, don't you? :LOL:

In the end, the thing is causing trouble for many users now. Blaming it on the Ram (as if their trouble would happen without the PC being plugged in), well, I haven't seen any reports of that behaviour (but I'm happy to change my mind if you can point them out).

You have been warned!
Understand that 2-3000 RPM on a Hemi w/3.92 axle is gonna be a problem for me and possibly others on the road. V6? maybe not. But if the OEM already does this, may not have a choice.
Wow, you really like that PC, don't you? :LOL:

In the end, the thing is causing trouble for many users now. Blaming it on the Ram (as if their trouble would happen without the PC being plugged in), well, I haven't seen any reports of that behaviour (but I'm happy to change my mind if you can point them out).

You have been warned!
As I stated above...NEVER in a million years did I think YOU would agree with anything I write 🤣 This was simply to satisfy my own curiosity and that's it so why is that so hard for you to understand? Now that you've read my information, please just move on as I am not looking to debate the subject. This is simply what I learned and presented to folks to make their own decision...period. You can pull yours out and beat it with a sledge hammer...totally your call.

Your warning is under full consideration ;)
Thank you for the time you have taken to contact them directly to get their take. Now the engineer in you should be telling you that you need to do your due diligents and contact Banks and Sprint Booster to get there take on issues like this. Only to be fair and unbias. I'm only kidding of course. At least someone was able to get information on how these actually work straight from the horses mouth.
As I stated above...NEVER in a million years did I think YOU would agree with anything I write 🤣 This was simply to satisfy my own curiosity and that's it so why is that so hard for you to understand? Now that you've read my information, please just move on as I am not looking to debate the subject. This is simply what I learned and presented to folks to make their own decision...period. You can pull yours out and beat it with a sledge hammer...totally your call.

Your warning is under full consideration ;)

Of course you're not looking to debate, you just want to post your opinion and be never questioned :rolleyes: That's not how a public forum works. You've posted at least 4+ times now between the 2 threads, telling us your opinion over and over and yet each time saying "I'm done" or "I don't want to argue" or "it's a dead horse". But it's only a dead horse after you've had the opportunity to state your opinion, and you try desperately to get us to move on after that... you only want it to end when you think you've had the last word. This has all the signs to me, that it is more about you trying to save face, than it is about the product itself. Some people just don't have what it takes to say "I'm sorry, I was wrong".

To everyone else, I suggest you do your own research, and throw the thing in the trash. There are multiple reports of this thing causing problems, just google it or watch a few youtube videos or search some of the forums. The data is out there, and it's not just RAM/FCA though they seem to be getting hit harder, GM guys (for example) have had the same issue.

And yes this is my last post.
Interesting writeup. I did not know that regarding point 6: the engine will go to a specific RPM in the event of a failure. However, I suspect that behavior is programmed in response to a loss of communication, and therefore all failure modes of the Pedal Commander are not covered. As I stated in the other thread, its important for all to understand that aftermarket accessories are often not designed nor tested to the rigor that OEM parts are. I'm not saying that people shouldn't use devices such as the Pedal Commander, but it is important for each user to understand the risks that may come with such modifications. It's my personal opinion that the manufacturer doesn't do enough to warn the potential user of said risks.

I'm curious as to what was changed in the Bluetooth update. Can you provide any further details, @securityguy?
Of course you're not looking to debate, you just want to post your opinion and be never questioned :rolleyes: That's not how a public forum works. You've posted at least 4+ times now between the 2 threads, telling us your opinion over and over and yet each time saying "I'm done" or "I don't want to argue" or "it's a dead horse". But it's only a dead horse after you've had the opportunity to state your opinion, and you try desperately to get us to move on after that... you only want it to end when you think you've had the last word. This has all the signs to me, that it is more about you trying to save face, than it is about the product itself. Some people just don't have what it takes to say "I'm sorry, I was wrong".

To everyone else, I suggest you do your own research, and throw the thing in the trash. There are multiple reports of this thing causing problems, just google it or watch a few youtube videos or search some of the forums. The data is out there, and it's not just RAM/FCA though they seem to be getting hit harder, GM guys (for example) have had the same issue.

And yes this is my last post.
These are not MY opinions, but facts which I am presenting that were learned during research. You're like the hemorrhiod that just won't go away and struggle to understand the difference between opinion and researched facts. I have no doubt that this will not be your last post. You have made your point and I respect that. Please respect mine as I am not advocating to keep or remove.

Yes, let them research it for themselves and make their own educated decision. I have said this over and over and you still fail to comprehend what I write. I haven't told anyone to keep it or get rid of it...we are adults and each of us can decide what's best for us. Like the Government, I don't need people telling me what I can and cannot do with my life or the possessions that I own. If folks want to run a PC, then they read your warning in post #4 and made their decision. Do I care whether you keep your or not? I don't and nor should I.

Let's count how long it, once again, takes you to respond :unsure:
Interesting writeup. I did not know that regarding point 6: the engine will go to a specific RPM in the event of a failure. However, I suspect that behavior is programmed in response to a loss of communication, and therefore all failure modes of the Pedal Commander are not covered. As I stated in the other thread, its important for all to understand that aftermarket accessories are often not designed nor tested to the rigor that OEM parts are. I'm not saying that people shouldn't use devices such as the Pedal Commander, but it is important for each user to understand the risks that may come with such modifications. It's my personal opinion that the manufacturer doesn't do enough to warn the potential user of said risks.

I'm curious as to what was changed in the Bluetooth update. Can you provide any further details, @securityguy?
Thank you @jimchi. The update primarily increases the vehicle compatibility capacity of the unit allowing for the one SKU to support multiple models. In addition, I was told enhancements to processing speed of the unit and how quickly it reacts to depressing the pedal. That is what I know and was told.
These are not MY opinions, but facts which I am presenting that were learned during research. You're like the hemorrhiod that just won't go away and struggle to understand the difference between opinion and researched facts. I have no doubt that this will not be your last post. You have made your point and I respect that. Please respect mine as I am not advocating to keep or remove.

Yes, let them research it for themselves and make their own educated decision. I have said this over and over and you still fail to comprehend what I write. I haven't told anyone to keep it or get rid of it...we are adults and each of us can decide what's best for us. Like the Government, I don't need people telling me what I can and cannot do with my life or the possessions that I own. If folks want to run a PC, then they read your warning in post #4 and made their decision. Do I care whether you keep your or not? I don't and nor should I.

Let's count how long it, once again, takes you to respond :unsure:

The facts are: users have unintended acceleration, no acceleration, limp mode, being stuck in (say) 3rd gear even after power cycle, christmas lights on the dash. Those are the facts. Regardless of whatever lines you were fed on the phone, the facts and user reports show that it's a bad product.

Me telling you to dump it in the trash has nothing to do with the government, that's a ridiculous stretch even for a guy who is just trying to save face. I'm "telling" you in the same way anybody else makes suggestions on a public forum.

I really couldn't care less at this point what you do, it's about everybody else who might be reading your lovely posts trying to make up their mind; it really is a 3rd rate product with serious safety issues, use at your own risk.
The facts are: users have unintended acceleration, no acceleration, limp mode, being stuck in (say) 3rd gear even after power cycle, christmas lights on the dash. Those are the facts. Regardless of whatever lines you were fed on the phone, the facts and user reports show that it's a bad product.

Me telling you to dump it in the trash has nothing to do with the government, that's a ridiculous stretch even for a guy who is just trying to save face. I'm "telling" you in the same way anybody else makes suggestions on a public forum.

I really couldn't care less at this point what you do, it's about everybody else who might be reading your lovely posts trying to make up their mind; it really is a 3rd rate product with serious safety issues, use at your own risk.
Yes...you have said the same thing OVER and OVER again...we all get it. "IT'S BAD...THROW IT AWAY...EVERYONE'S A LIAR". Not quite sure how the "saving face" comes into the equation as I have not lost face at all through any of my postings on this topic. Just sharing input and thankful that most see it for what it is and stop trying make anything more out of it than what is intended.

Funny how it only took you about 30 minutes to reply again after stating that you would not ;) Whatever dude...if bashing me continues to float your boat, then enjoy. I think most all members know who I am and what I stand for after two years of membership and that it's not about me. It is about helping others and agreeing to disagree. I have helped hundreds and hundreds of people on this forum that have been very thankful for my posts and personal interactions via phone and email. I learned a LONG time ago that you can't please everyone all of the time and you certainly fall into that category.

Be safe @silver billet and I'll say a prayer for you that, one day, you won't be so adversarial and can accept others opinions or facts without making a mockery of things.
Yes...you have said the same thing OVER and OVER again...we all get it. "IT'S BAD...THROW IT AWAY...EVERYONE'S A LIAR".

Do you read your own posts? I'm quite sure "saying the same thing over and over" describes yours perfectly.

Remember the context for all this; a user posts a thread "pedal commander bites the dust" in which he describes his pretty bad experience, you coming along and vehemently denying there are issues with it ("you have no scientific evidence"), over and over again, and still trying to recommend it. Numerous posts saying "it's a dead horse" and "I let it go a long time ago" yet here we are day(s) later.

Funny how it only took you about 30 minutes to reply again after stating that you would not ;)

I changed my mind.

Be safe @silver billet and I'll say a prayer for you that, one day, you won't be so adversarial and can accept others opinions or facts without making a mockery of things.

Says the guy who compares people to Hemorrhoids. But yeah, you sure know how to class up a forum, I'm taking notes!

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