Of course you're not looking to debate, you just want to post your opinion and be never questioned

That's not how a public forum works. You've posted at least 4+ times now between the 2 threads, telling us your opinion over and over and yet each time saying "I'm done" or "I don't want to argue" or "it's a dead horse". But it's only a dead horse after you've had the opportunity to state your opinion, and you try desperately to get us to move on after that... you only want it to end when you think you've had the last word. This has all the signs to me, that it is more about you trying to save face, than it is about the product itself. Some people just don't have what it takes to say "I'm sorry, I was wrong".
To everyone else, I suggest you do your own research, and throw the thing in the trash. There are multiple reports of this thing causing problems, just google it or watch a few youtube videos or search some of the forums. The data is out there, and it's not just RAM/FCA though they seem to be getting hit harder, GM guys (for example) have had the same issue.
And yes this is my last post.