On my 2016 Ecodiesel, I had my oil changed at Helfman River Oaks CHDR in Houston. The filter is on the side of the engine and comes out from the top. It should have been a straight forward job however he fat fingered it while pulling it out and appeared to have juggled it a dozen times before getting it out of the engine compartment. When I picked it up, the first thing I always do is pop the hood to check the condition of the work. I could see where he used a shop rag to mop up his "Exxon Valdez" moment but it certainly was not good enough. I grabbed the Service Manager (who never looks under the hood of a truck, only the time a mechanic spends on the job and if its too much he tears ****) who took it back and they took an hour to clean it all up. I checked again and it was better but not perfect. By now, I was past the point of patience and took it home to do it myself.
I agree taking it in for the first change is probably a good idea but be certain to look under the hood, under the engine, at the seats to ensure there isn't any oil or grease on them, and everything else. In fact, throw your creeper in the back and let the Service Writer know you want it done correctly as you'll be checking with the creeper before you leave the dealer. They hate that as they know the the guys in the back need to be on their toes and will tell them so... Then again, I did this on my last oil change in March and they FUBAR'd it up so there is no guarantee of a quality job with any FCA dealership - or Ford, Chevy, Toyota, Nissan, etc.