I have a few questions for you, I have been monitoring the OBD twice per day travelling 20 miles to work (one way) then back home , it’s all highway with only one stop, and drive around 60 mph, the temperature here in Northern Ontario Canada is below freezing most mornings but my truck is parked in my garage every night so I only remote start it for 1 to 3 minutes before leaving, I have been doing that since brand new.
I set up the Soot Mass Percentage gauge and it was at 47% and now it’s at 55%, it usually goes up then slowly drops when the engine temperature goes up. The other gauges that I set up shows 33 regeneration cycles and only 2 interrupted regeneration cycles in 24,000 miles so a regeneration every 700 miles, not bad at all.
My question is, do you know at what percentage does the regeneration start? and how long does a regeneration last? I have never had a warning on display to keep driving because a regeneration had started. I’m asking because I have only 27 shifts left then I am retiring after 35 years as a machinist in the deepest base metal mine in the world, I then won’t be travelling on the highway 4 days a week, I haven’t been working on Fridays for a few years.
By knowing when a regeneration is about to start I could plan a highway trip.
I plan on using my wife’s Jeep more often when doing short runs and use the truck for longer trips to visit our children or my in-laws at the cottage.
We are planning a Florida trip then a Newfoundland east coast trip next year, towing a small travel trailer with my Rebel diesel.