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Loud Noise on Startup


New Member
Jun 24, 2024
Reaction score
This thread has been going on for years. Is there still no fix other than “lift your foot off the break really quickly”? Doing that works for me most times, but we shouldn’t have to be doing that. It almost sounds like a cable slapping on the body? Most people seem to think it’s brake booster related. Is there any part of the system that is capable of producing such a noise?

SD Rebel

Spends too much time on here
Jun 29, 2019
Reaction score
San Diego, CA
This thread has been going on for years. Is there still no fix other than “lift your foot off the break really quickly”? Doing that works for me most times, but we shouldn’t have to be doing that. It almost sounds like a cable slapping on the body? Most people seem to think it’s brake booster related. Is there any part of the system that is capable of producing such a noise?

I haven't heard that noise in about 3 years. Either with remote starts or my foot hard on the brake, it doesn't happen anymore. I wonder if it "wore" itself out, whatever was making that noise?

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